The man fills currently the Newspapers of the country: Stefan N. – GC-Hooligan with a neo-Nazi past. The man with a full beard and tätowiertem skull was the last Sunday in Lucerne, the ringleader among the GC-Ultras, which forced a termination of the game. This earned him a charge of assault.

On Wednesday, the 40-Year-old from Winterthur, Lucerne law enforcement authorities. He is now in police custody. The night before the police had stormed in the Canton of Aargau – initially unsuccessful – the apartment of the girlfriend of the Wanted.

“you know, he was not blindfolded, and gets immediately banned from the stadium due to trampling of the lawn,” said League President Heinrich Schifferle on Monday to this newspaper. The ban is effective immediately, as well as those for the other identified anarchists (see box).

The Swiss Football League (SFL) said in a media release, visibly proud that, thanks to the “excellent cooperation” with the police already after such a short period of time first a stadium ban is pronounced.

sentenced To a monetary penalty of

But the question is why, Stefan N. was able to be in the game in Luzern at all in the stadium. This question is all the more controversial because of the, was convicted in the Canton of Thurgau-born Hooligan is only about 50 days from the regional court of Bern-Mittelland for trespassing. The research shows that newspaper. He is said to have been involved, at least passively – in the attacks on YB Fans.

flashback: In October of 2016 stormed in Bern, some thirty GC Fans, the stadium restaurant Eleven, where before the game against the Hoppers dozens of YB-followers – including children – together, sat. The violent Horde, threw chairs, tables and bottles at the restaurant visitors.

“There is no statutory provision that the courts must inform the League.”René Graf
court of Bern-Mittelland

Eight men and women were Secretary violated on a regional basis. Almost two months ago were sitting because of this incident, three GC-Fans in Bern before the court. With: Stefan N. The long-term unemployed, refused to back the statement. His lawyer denied that his client had been actively involved in the attacks.

Because the video images of the attacks in front of the stadium to be very meaningful, was not Stefan N. prosecuted for it. He was on that day in front of the Stade de Suisse and, at least temporarily, with the Ultras mitmarschierte, looked at the court as proved, and convicted him of Trespassing. Because of the Hooligan with a full beard and bald head, was already a criminal record, was pronounced to his fine of 1800 francs.

Despite stadium ban in Bern

From this conviction, the League knew up on Wednesday nothing like SFL-communication-in-chief Philippe Guggisberg tells. The reason for this: “There is no statutory provision that the courts need to notify in such a case, the League”, says René Graf, Court clerk at the regional court Bern-Mittelland. The court reports cases of land invasion in connection with sports events, only the Federal office of police (Fedpol).

This informs the concerned cantons. This, in turn, can Express measures such as rayon bans, and the case ends up in the Hooligan database, such as the Fedpol. The Problem here is that In this country-wide information system of the police has insight, but not the football League. So it is not surprising, knew the SFL none of the court’s judgment.

A further spicy Detail in the case, Stefan, N.: The Bern trial last March, it became clear that the GC-Ultra was occupied at the time of the attack on the restaurant visitors in the fall of 2016 with a stadium ban.

On the question of the judge why he was at the time, traveled still to Bern, he wanted to say anything. How steep this stadium ban at the time was, could not Philippe Guggisberg of the League say. Firstly, because he is not allowed out of the Right of personality protection.

And, secondly, because he could not know even. This has to do with a Directive that refers to the Federal law on data protection. “Therefore, we must delete after the expiration of a stadium ban, the relevant personal information from our database,” says Guggisberg.

These restrictive provisions can thus prevent that the League recognizes a repeat offender as such. This is spicy, because of this fact alone the criminal would increase the impact.

ban on Reporting to the police?

Whether Stefan N. in addition to its multi-year stadium ban also gets a message pad, a penalty of not Guggisberg say. This stricter measure could only be imposed by the authorities. It would mean that the 40-year-old Hooligan, whenever a game of the club runs, has to report to a police station. (Berner Zeitung)

Created: 15.05.2019, 21:30 PM