Totally unacceptable and objectionable. So dubbed boerenvoorman Wim Bens the bezettingsactie of a varkensbedijf in the Netherlands Boxtel (Noord-Brabant). A hundred animal rights activism of the organization Meat the Victims insisted yesterday afternoon, the varkenskwekerij where they are “wounded animals” for care widen evacuate. The riot police, the activists late in the evening from the stables removed. Among them are some Belgians. Dozens of farmers held a spontaneous tegenbetoging, with some of the cars of activists in the canal are up to.

“This can not be, this we do not want to and this should never happen”, said the president of the Southern agricultural and horticultural organization (ZLTO). Bens is deeply concerned about the welfare of the animals. “This caused a lot of unrest among the animals and the farmers, but much worse is the risk of possible diseases.” the

Bens points out that in large parts of Europe, the African swine fever prevails in the Belgian province of Luxembourg, ed.) and that the campaigners, the disease just spread. “Pig farmers do everything to infections outside the door with clean boots, clothing and locks and then come in once the people inside from I know not where. This is completely irresponsible. We make us great concern.” Boxtel is located on a forty-minute drive from the Belgian Arendonk.

Read also Occupation Dutch varkensboerderij is ended; the cars of activists upset “very, very sad balance”

The boerenvoorman has all of the sounds collected there as a precaution might be eliminated should be. Ben: “And that would be a very sad balance of this action”

on Behalf of the ZLTO submit Bens today with LTO Nederland, POV (association of pig farmers) on how such actions in the future can be prevented. “What this really can’t be. We want everyone everywhere to talk about and this may just not.” the

The producer Organisation Farmer (POV) wants to today, high-level consultation. The organization is blazing with rage about the bezettingsactie. Eric Stiphout from Sambeek, vice-president finds it totally unacceptable that a hundred people to just a farm, occupy, the animals in danger and the business is totally upset and there for ten hours. “At what point are we in the Netherlands already. This is totally unacceptable.” the

The POV left last weekend, still know to fear that animal rights activists after an international conference, last weekend in Amsterdam, possible actions would be carried out at farms. the

“And see what happens. They break just a company open. Our constituency is with astonishment, sadness and tremendous anger responded to this totally irresponsible action. Especially because we all sounds had been – and been warned – that this was coming. As a board we were last night in the World and we are closely involved in the affairs.”

Supporters keep quiet

According to Stiphout is the FPA succeeded to her supporters ‘calm’. ”The emotions run by pig farmers throughout the Netherlands. That is also not so strange, because your company may include the following, but we have managed to somewhat reasonable to calm down.”

In the Dutch politics is detuned responded to the action. Government parties CDA and VVD want the minister Ferd Grapperhaus (Justice and Security) this afternoon, still text and explanation is in the Room. Also Party and even the Party for the Animals, find the action unacceptable.