The head scarf, of course. If Ilhan Omar rushes through the corridors of the Capitol, you recognize you almost immediately, a colorful dot in a crowd of gray Suits. Because of you, has lifted the house of representatives, the 181-year-old ban on the Wearing of headgear, because of you, a Protestant Pastor complained that it looked in the Congress now, “how in an Islamic Republic”. Not even three months, Omar is now in the office, and hardly a day goes by without headlines about the democratic members of Parliament, one of only two Muslims in Congress. At the beginning of these headlines are still mostly positive, in the meantime, the criticism outweighs but.

This has been attributed to Omar himself. Twice already the 37 noticed-Year-old with questionable statements. First, they had complained of the influence of a Pro-Israeli lobby group’s Deputy in the Congress, by writing on Twitter that it just about the money. After her representative accused from both parties to support an anti-Semitic cliché, apologized to Omar first. Shortly thereafter, she took care, however, for the next controversy. She accused Pro-Israeli organizations to demand that U.S. politicians “allegiance to a foreign country”. Also, in order for Omar to games on an old anti-Semitic prejudice, said critics of the left to the right: the divided loyalty of the Jews, to whom the interests of Israel are more important than those of the country in which they lived.


Omar fled for their election to the distinguished representatives of the Democrats. This has a lot to do with your biography. She was born in Somalia. As in 1991, civil war broke out, fled with the family across the border to Kenya. After four years in a refugee camp, the family received in 1995 a visa for the USA. They settled in the state of Minnesota, where a large Diaspora of Somalis lives. When Omar was elected in November to the first members with Somali roots, celebrated by the Democrats as a Symbol of the diversity of America, which is reflected finally in the Congress.

But there also are other, more controversial side. Even as a local politician, Omar fell as a sharp critic of Israel. Among other things, it supports the BDS movement, which seeks to force Israel through boycotts and sanctions, to change course in the question of Palestine. “Israel has hypnotized the world,” wrote Omar in 2012 on Twitter. The most recent Controversy to bring the party leadership in Washington is now in an uncomfortable position. Last week, the Democrats adopted a Resolution which condemned anti-Semitism in the same train with other forms of hatred on minorities – it was an attempt to circumvent a direct punitive action against Omar.

The Republicans that’s not enough. They are asking the Democrats to remove Omar from the foreign policy Commission of the house, what do not want to do this again. Several prominent Democrats have stood behind the young Deputy. The attacks on Omar were “a debate over U.S. foreign policy towards Israel block it,” said presidential candidate Bernie Sanders, who is himself Jewish. Pretty unhappy James Clyburn expressed, one of the highest-ranking Democrats. Omar’s Statements explained by the fact that their experiences in Somalia were “personal” than those of the Jews, whose parents had survived the Holocaust.

The battle zone has shifted. The Democrat Omar received death threats.

Donald Trump is all of this a welcome destination. “The Democrats hate the Jews,” said the President, once described neo-Nazis in Charlottesville as a “very fine people” to donors, according to the web portal Axios. And also, with regard to Trumps party, is not to overlook a certain amount of double standards. So leading Republicans tried recently even anti-Semitic cliches, as you are about the influence of billionaires George Soros and Tom Steyer of cursing, the one referred to on Twitter as “Tom $teyer”.

Omar, has shifted to a combat zone for a long time. The Democrat has received death threats. In the Parliament of West Virginia hung Unknown a poster, it brought the attacks of 9/11. And on Fox News implied presenter Jeanine Pirro that Omar’s head scarf was not the proof that it is the USA loyal. That was the Trump-middle station too far: He distanced himself from Pirro.

(editing Tamedia)

Created: 11.03.2019, 22:00 PM