The commission of inquiry of the Congress on the alleged illegal financing of the PP has agreed this Thursday, citing the spokesman of the PP in the Senate, Ignacio Cosidó, and the former minister Jorge Fernández Díaz by the police operation carried out when they were at the front of the Interior, supposedly, to retrieve documents of the extesorero the PP Luis Barcenas by payments to the driver, Sergio Rios. The driver will also be convened in the Lower Chamber.

Cosidó has denied knowledge of the so-called operation Kitchen for allegedly spying on Barcenas and his environment in order to retrieve documents compromising to PP leaders such as Javier Arenas, Soraya Sáenz de Santamaría, María Dolores of Cospedal, or own prime minister, Mariano Rajoy. Even so, the Bureau and the spokespersons of the commission of inquiry have agreed to cite Fernández Díaz and Cosidó on the 11th of December, the day 18 will be convened to the driver that the Police had made her confidant, and that would have facilitated the theft of the documentation that committed himself to the popular leaders.

Also for the day 18 it has been agreed to call the employer to Ignacio Lopez del Hierro, husband of the former secretary general of the PP María Dolores de Cospedal. United we Can already promoted your subpoena last February, claiming its emergence as a donor of the PP in the roles of Barcenas, but did not set a date to convene. However, once it was known that he led the meeting that Cospedal had in his office in Genoa with the now-retired commissioner of Police José Manuel Villarejo, who commissioned work on fellow party members like Javier Arenas, the groups considered to be relevant that go to the commission.

Will be only two MORE sessions INFORMATION The ‘whatsapp’ on the Judiciary puts on the tight rope to Cosidó and opens another crisis to Married the judge of The ‘case Barcenas’ calls to Inside information about an alleged “theft” to the extesorero of the PP

These new Pulibet citations have disrupted the plans that they had designed the PSOE, United we Can and Citizens for the two sessions that the commission held in December, for which initially had been scheduled for other appearances that, for the moment, stay in the air but some already give definitely lost.

as Well, has been put on hold the initial idea of quoting the December 12, the president of ACS and Real Madrid, Florentino Perez, whose company is listed as one of the party donors in the documentation provided to the Justice by Barcenas.

For the same day is planned to also call another donor, the ceo of Grupo Azvi, Manuel Contreras Caro, who had initially been scheduled for 13 November, but excused his presence because he had a trip abroad.

The people who are thought to quote the 18th of December were the businessman Rafael Palencia, who admitted to having paid to Genoa commissions in exchange of awards, in a conversation with the one that was responsible for the Canal de Isabel II, Ildefonso de Miguel, who was also expected to interrogate him in the Congress.Also scheduled to interview the president of Grupo Intereconomía, Julio Ariza, who, according to the story told in another recording, the former president of the Community of Madrid Ignacio González, used the tape of the conversation between Palencia and Miguel, which is investigated in the case Lezo, to try to blackmail Rajoy.

Conclusions before 11th of march

Now it remains to be seen if any of these appearances which have not been materialised can be taken in the coming year. January is a holiday in the Congress and in principle the commission is not planning to request authorisation to meet that month.

should the plans not meet in January, only would be two more rounds of hearings, one on February 5th and one on the 12th of that month, a date that, in principle, is reserved for Rajoy, in virtue of the agreement reached by all groups, except the PP, who was the former president of the Government the last to come to the commission.

upon completion of hearings, the parliamentary groups will have to approve the findings of its investigation and shall do so before march 11, when he concludes the term for which they have completed their work. After that, the conclusions will rise to the Full Congress.