The lie is in the centre of the administration Trump since his arrival to the White House, when then-press secretary and Sean Spicer, he let go of the falsehood, easily demonstrable, that his presidential inauguration was the most massive of the story. Kellyanne Conway, a counselor of Trump, asked in the NBC for the trola that had never let go of your partner without sweat, coined the memorable expression “facts alternative”.

The author of so brilliant a euphemism belongs today to the select 35% of survivors politicians of that court (composed of “only the best”, in the words of Trump) that surrounded the 45th president to fulfill the mandate of the american people. Many of the courtiers who came with him are in a very delicate situation, two years later, because of his lies.


The exabogado Trump admits that he lied to Congress about the plot, Russian attorney describes as “substantial” the collaboration of Michael Flynn in the investigation of the plot Russian White House argues that there are “factual alternative” to analyze the reality

Michael Cohen, exabogado and man of confidence of Trump, he acknowledged last week that he lied to Congress on the business of the now president, in Moscow. Lied also, as he admitted in August, on their payments to silence a sex scandal. Lied to the FBI George Papadopoulus, exconsejero of the president, on his contacts with intermediaries Russian. Lied the exasesor political Roger Stone, according to the special prosecutor, Robert Mueller, saying he had no knowledge of that WikiLeaks was going to publish the emails of Hillary Clinton. Lied to the federal agents Michael Flynn, exconsejero of National Security, and now collaborates with them to evade the consequences of their falsehood. Lied to the former of the campaign, Paul Manafort. And, when he decided to cooperate with the investigation on the weft Russian, he did not make another thing that to go back to lying, as has been denounced by the researchers.

The common denominator of the first circle of close collaborators of Trump seems to be a trend unhealthy to lie. Even before the highest federal authorities, who are investigating the interference of russia in the elections of 2016. Something a little surprising, it should be noted, when the president himself is a prominent exponent of the contempt for the truth.

The media to “false news”, as referred to in Trump to the most prestigious and reliable headwaters americans when they are not called “enemies of the people”, dedicated considerable efforts to post the lies of the president. The Washington Post carried the account in his section Fact Checker: until the 30th of October, computed 6.420 false claims in 649 days that I wore in the White House. On 7 September, Trump spoke publicly 125 “false or misleading statements” in a time period of 120 minutes, grind your own personal record.

The art of the lie has a long history in Washington. Until now, the consensus is that at the top of the Olympus, was Richard Nixon. “He lied to his wife, his family, Liderbahis his friends, his old colleagues in Congress, the members of his own party, the american people and to the world”, summed up in his memoirs Barry Goldwater, republican nominee in 1964. But Trump, match analysts, goes even further. What happens is that the loyalty is the main quality that the president demands to their co-workers and they know that the charge includes the need to defend the statements of the head even if they know they are false.

the result is that The president has just surrounded by people who share your contempt for the truth. An attitude is relatively tolerated in the business world where curtió Trump, but risky, at the very least, if one is in the midst of a federal investigation. One in which the special prosecutor and his team of FBI agents come to the meeting with the courtiers of Trump loaded with mountains of papers, documenting methodically their movements and communications for, among other things, to find the artillery that allows to convert the consiglieri in valuable pentiti.

And in these is Mueller. This week has published a writing that little reveals about the content of the collaboration of Flynn, but the qualification of “substantial” and recommended to the court that you will be judged for lying to the FBI not to throw him in jail. This Friday could show whether the cooperation of Cohen with the research deserves the same treatment.

The growing obsession of Trump with the special prosecutor and what he considers to be his “witch hunt” can be measured in the profusion of tweets dedicated to him: a total of 14 in the last seven days, versus an average of three per month until the last spring. But, in the absence of which we know the results of the investigation, the 19-month federal investigation have yielded, to date, at least a result: the opportunity to see up to what point the lie is the norm in the court of Donald Trump.

Turkey, 5 – press Secretary, 0

Defend to journalists the lies of Trump and his court, without trampling on his own credibility, has proved an arduous task for Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the successor of Sean Spicer on the press secretary of the White House, which has given an effective method to save yourself the trance: the traditional daily meeting with the press in the White House has become, in the best of cases, fortnightly. Circumstances that allowed the Washington Post to point, on the last feast of thanksgiving, the turkey pardoned had occupied more time the arena of the press room that the secretary in the 20 days that had elapsed of the month: the bird was leading by five minutes against zero.