The british prime minister, Theresa May, warned today that the Uk faces an uncertain ground if the agreement of the Brexit negotiation with Brussels is rejected in the parliamentary vote this Tuesday. When the two missing days for the House of Commons to decide whether it supports or not the covenant, May pointed out today in the Sunday Mail on Sunday that the consequences of a rejection would imply that the country will go into “uncharted waters” and in a “severe uncertainty”. The head of Government warned the deputies that if they decide not to support the agreement, there may be a general election and would have, in addition, a “very real risk that no Brexit”.

The premier conservative gave this warning to the root of the deep dissatisfaction that their agreement on the exit of the british of the European Union (EU) has generated among the members of its formation, as well as a large part of the opposition. Several mp’s tories and the opposition already have said they will vote against the Tuesday at the end of the debate on the agreement. May is in trouble because you need 320 votes to move forward with the agreement and only has 315 conservative mps.

“When I say that we are really in uncharted waters if this agreement is not approved, I hope that people understand what I really believe and I fear that could happen,” he said. “This would involve a serious uncertainty for the country with a very real risk that no Brexit or leaving the EU without Kolaybet agreement. We have a leader of the opposition, by labour’s Jeremy Corbyn) who don’t think in other thing that in attempting to hold a general election, regardless of the cost to the country,” he said. The leading tory added that she is someone who cares “passionately” for “the country” and his party, and considered that the possible coming to power of Corbyn would, according to her, “a risk that we cannot afford to take.”

The Sunday The Sun on Sunday indicates that May will decide tomorrow whether to continue with the vote Tuesday, while other media point to the possibility that the prime minister make an emergency trip to Brussels this week. However, the official residence in Downing Street reiterated today that May have no intention of delaying the vote, as has been conjectured. “The vote goes forward,” said a spokesman for Downing Street. Last night, the conservative member Will Fifteen resigned as assistant of minister of Defense in discontent with the agreement of the Brexit and asked that it be renegotiated with the european bloc.

Several deputies expected to vote against it, because they reject the safeguarding of Brexit on the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland, as the goal is to be invisible in order not to jeopardize the peace process in the province british. That safeguard, known as a backstop for the Uk to remain in the customs union and Northern Ireland is also aligned with certain rules of the single market, except London and Brussels present an alternative solution to the border or to establish a new business relationship. If the agreement is approved, London will negotiate your commercial link with Brussels in the period of transition, which will begin after the Brexit march 29, 2019 and will end by the end of 2020. But the safeguard can be indefinite if the parties do not close the agreement at the end of the transition period, something that is of concern to many members.