On Wednesday morning, investigators have conducted under the code name “Pollino” in several European countries conducted raids, targeted against the Calabrian mafia organization ‘Ndrangheta. In Germany, there are inserts in Bavaria (Munich area) and North Rhine-Westphalia, mainly in the Rhineland and the Ruhr area. The detained guest of the owner of an Osteria in Cologne is considered to be a suspected main perpetrators. At noon and in the afternoon, the European law enforcement Agency wants to give Eurojust more Details to the Operation. It is the second strike against the Italian organised crime within 24 hours. Already on Tuesday morning in Sicily, 46 alleged members of the Sicilian Cosa Nostra had been arrested. the

at four o’clock in the morning, the use of: investigators began to go to Germany, Italy, the Netherlands and Belgium since Wednesday morning in a large-scale RAID against suspected members of the Italian mafia organization ‘Ndrangheta. Information provided by the Italian police, a total of 84 Suspects were taken until 12 o’clock.

In Germany, there were inserts in Bavaria and North Rhine-Westphalia, the focus on the Rhineland and the Ruhr, said the senior Duisburg Prosecutor Horst Bien. “Our impression is that this action is a great success,” said Bien at a press conference of the EU justice Agency Eurojust in The Hague on Wednesday. Accordingly, more than 65 objects had been in Germany searches, while there had been 15 arrests. Also-had been ensured in the case of six “assets measures” money and valuables worth some five million euros.

Cosa Nostra

be A Boss of bosses less

In the province of Palermo, the Italian police arrested 46 suspected members of a mafia. Including a possible successor to the a year of the death of Salvatore Riina. Who is following now? By Oliver Meiler, Rome

In Duisburg, Germany, about, among other things, an ice cream shop was searched. Information from image, it’s supposed to have been in Cologne, Leverkusen, Neuss, Recklinghausen, as well as in the Ennepe-Ruhr-Kreis inserts. One of the main perpetrator, a 45-year-old Italian guest of the owner of an Osteria in Pulheim, near Cologne, was arrested in the Morning in his house. According to Maksibet reports, it also searches in Thuringia, and Berlin should have denied the BKA.

In Bavaria, had been two of the objects searched. They are located in the East of Munich, one of them in the city, as the SZ has learned from investigators circles. There is, however, no one had been arrested. In the afternoon against 15 o’clock BKA Vice-President Peter Henzler in Wiesbaden, Germany, informed about the investigations in Germany.

Video Palermo

mafia boss of Cosa Nostra arrested

The Italian Carabinieri has arrested on Tuesday suspected members of the Sicilian Mafia in Palermo.

reported, such As Eurojust, carrying today’s action by the code name “Pollino”. It was “the result of an intensive joint investigation work, which started in the year 2016 and in Europe, has been widely coordinated.” In the framework of the action against the ‘Ndrangheta, it has also given assignments related to the local investigation, informed Eurojust Vice-President Filippo Spiezia on Wednesday.

The ‘Ndrangheta from Calabria is one of the four main Italian Mafia groups, in addition to the Cosa Nostra (Sicily), Camorra (Campania) and in Germany, less well-known Sacra Corona Unita (Puglia). It is said that the ‘Ndrangheta control of large parts of the European drug trade. Italian investigators and other Mafia experts such as the non-fiction book author Roberto Saviano (“Gomorrah”) have warned for some time that the Mafia in the whole of Europe do influence drug money to be washed through Investments in real estate.

In North Rhine-Westphalia, the ‘Ndrangheta still plays no prominent role in the organized Criminal. In 214 procedure for this spectrum, which have been edited between 2012 and 2016 in the police authorities of the country, there were only in ten cases, mostly Italian suspects. The response of the NRW-Minister of the interior, Herbert Reul (CDU) on a request from the SPD parliamentary group. Overall, the police in NRW is one of about 120 people to the spectrum of “Italian Organized crime” (IOC).

In Germany, the ‘Ndrangheta attracted in August, 2007 caused a stir, as in the case of a dispute between two Clans, six people were shot in front of a Pizzeria in Duisburg, Germany. According to the FBI, the ‘Ndrangheta has world’s about 6000 members in 160 so-called Clans. They are related through family ties to each other. Annually, the organization should have a turnover between 50 and 100 billion euros.

on Wednesday carried out raids are the second blow to the European law-enforcement authorities against the Italian Mafia within two days. On Tuesday, 46 members of the Cosa Nostra had been arrested in Sicily, including the alleged current head of the organization, the 80-year-old Settimo Mineo.