The French president, Emmanuel Macron, has received criticism from several quarters for his silence in the wake of the violent demonstrations that have marked Paris in recent weeks.

But on Monday at 20 he will make a statement on the crisis, informs the presidential office on Sunday evening.

There is no immediate additional information.

It is in advance to be expected, that he as a response to the serious political crisis will present concrete measures that will enter into force with the same.

Macron will also meet with business leaders and executives from the French trade unions on Monday.

In four weeks, France has been marked by growing demonstrations, the protest movement “The Yellow Jackets”.

In recent weekends have demonstrations evolved violent.

the Macron is under increasing pressure to do something to stop the riots. the
Under pressure
In advance, his government announced that it will pill the planned taxes on fuel out of the budget bill for 2019. But it was not something that put a damper on the thousands Matrixbet of demonstrators in Paris on Saturday.

– This chaos must end. The president must respond specifically to certain legitimate expectations, writes former prime minister Alain Juppe on Twitter Sunday.

Juppe is today mayor of Bordeaux, which was also marked by violent demonstrations Saturday.

Among the others who have called for action from the Macrons page, is also the leader of right wing party Front National, Marine Le Pen.

She calls on the Macron to “recognise the disorder in the community and provide immediate and very strong response”.

The French interior ministry estimates that the 136.000 people participated in demonstrations across France on Saturday.

In Paris, around 10,000 “yellow shirts” gathered on the main street, Champs-Élysées and other areas.

That was deployed 8000 cops to ensure security, and for the first time in the course of the “Yellow Vests”s demonstrations, there were armored vehicles in the streets of the French capital.

Over 2000 were arrested, of which more than a thousand in Paris.

Photo: AP

Photo: AP

Photo: AP

Photo: AP

Photo: AP

Photo: AP