Saturday creates the 10,000 protesters warlike scenes in Paris.

the Air has been thick with smoke from the many bilafbrændinger through Saturdays, has been a symbol of the enormous dissatisfaction over the increasing leveomkostinger for the French.

the Police have gone to counterattack against the brostenskastende protesters, there has been combated with tear gas and am gagging. More than a thousand people have been arrested, says France’s interior minister Christophe Castaner.

Close to the place de la Bastille in Paris, there are violent riots on Saturday night. Photo: AP/Thibault Camus
Unreal scenes
Ekstra Bladet has spoken with more and more people, who right now is in the French capital. The utrykker great concern over the violent unrest, which, According to the minister of the interior, Castaner has led 135 are hurt on Saturday. 17 of the injured are policemen.

the 26-year-old Kristoffer K. has been in Paris since Thursday. He says to Ekstra Bladet, that he and a companion Saturday stamped-out from the hotel to the unreal scenes close to Batillepladsen in the heart of the city.

We were caught in a chaos. Who flew the bottles on the ears at us from one side, and we were pelted by tear gas from the other side. It actually started out very quiet in the morning, but suddenly it was quite tremendously, and we had to run to get away.

Kristoffer K. also tells about the burning trash cans and smashed shops, even in the more quiet neighborhoods.

– At a time when we were home from the hotel, it developed so violently that we had to go into a cafe to get away from a big march that was in progress. It has been a rather exciting day, he strikes fast.

The French authorities have deployed a sea of squad Kralbet cars and larger military vehicles to keep track of the rioters. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix/Rafael Yaghobzadeh
Hotel locked by
A second, which Ekstra Bladet has been in touch with is 19-year-old Marie-Louise Jepsen, as the first on the evening located at his hotel. She and a friend have not been able to get out most of the day, she writes in an email from the guest room:

‘We are two girls who are in Paris, and the hotel locked the trip’.

At 20.30 speak Extra Magazine with her friend Josefine Lorentzen, who tells that for the first time since the morning has moved out.

– Our director of security at the hotel has just given us permission to come out now, but otherwise we sat in the hotel most of the day, and of course this has been mega annoying.

She goes on to explain that the two girlfriends now go out and find some food, if they can.

– We were lucky to find one store that had åbnent in the morning. Now we just hope that we can find a place again, she says to Ekstra Bladet.

Out on the street, the police have been fighting an almost impossible battle to keep the track of the rioters. Of those arrested have cops seized hammers, turtles and petanquekugler.

much of central Paris have been closed prior to the expected unrest, there has a been a trademark for the ‘Yellow Vests’.

There are around 8000 police officers in the city streets.

You should not further back than the last weekend before it also came to very violent clashes in Paris with barricades and cars on fire.

It was the worst unrest in the city since the 1960s. Today’s demonstrations have also spread to other cities in France, where they estimated that approximately 125,000 people have been on the streets in order to vent their dissatisfaction on Saturday.

Several shops are complete destroyed after the riots. Photo: Ritzau Scanpix

Community – 8. dec. 2018 – at. 12:04 Police are firing tear gas against demonstrators in Paris’ centre

See also: Violent unrest spreads: – It will explode in the night