This year vårdhjälte+ FÖLJPRESENTERAS AVJonathan has helped hundreds of children – after his dödNu praised the family of the Year vårdhjältarSVENSKA HEROES

When Jonathan was 15 years old, could his body not wait any longer.
to cope with grief after his son is fighting now his parents in order to help others.
At the Swedish Heroes gala at 20:00 on 17 december celebrates the Year vårdhjältar 2018.

When Tommy and Gunilla Ivarssons son Jonathan, when six years old he was diagnosed with pulmonary fibrosis. He needed new lungs, but that his body was not fully grown hampered efforts to find a pair that fit. The transplant was calculated to be able to be implemented only when Jonathan was in the late teens and the body more färdigvuxen.

When Jonathan was 12 years old he was put up on the transplantationslistan. Three years later, in the summer of 2015, called finally the phone. The doctors announced: There are lungs to Jonathan. But the happiness was short-lived. The lungs did not fit and the operation had to be interrupted.

Joined the hole in Jonathan’s lung

In a few months and fought the family and the son. But he would never be healthy. It went hole in one lung and in november 2015 passed away Jonathan Ivarsson.

The vårdhjältar 2018: the Jury
the Family Ivarsson are the heroes of the to the based Jontefonden, which gives sick children and their families the support and the silver lining in Favoribahis the few everyday life – both in anticipation of the new bodies, and after they have been given new bodies.

Three years before Jonathan passed away he started, and his brother Christian a fund to be able to help others in the same situation.

the Family now runs on Jontefonden, whose goal is to create a silver lining in the everyday lives of children and young people who are waiting or have undergone a transplant.

Sometimes there are more requests, sometimes it is the simple things.

”No child should have to die”

Tommy and Gunilla Ivarsson want to lift donationsfrågan to the debate.
– Not a single child should have to die while waiting for organs, ” says Tommy Ivarsson.

Photo: Helena KyrkFöre his death started the Jonathan Jontefonden together with his brother.

How would you like to raise the question about donations?

– Few people are in the day in the national donor register, not many per cent of the population. There is a desire to donate to their own children, but when we lecture we notice that people do not know that there are children and young people who are in need of the donation, ” says Gunilla Ivarsson.

the Foundation is now hoping to grow bigger.

– today, There are not so many foundations for these children, we are the ”underdog”, says Gunilla Ivarsson.

At the Swedish Heroes gala, which will be broadcasted at Aftonbladet and TV3 on 17 december 2018, they receive the award vårdhjältar.

How does it feel before the gala?

– Fantastic. We see ourselves not as some heroes, and the reception that we have received is incredible.

READ MORE: Visit Jontefondens website