When the nine family members – including three young couples – to spend the holiday together, it must be planned in good time.

So the trip had been a half years in the making, since we are in October went to Bornholm, armed with board games, croquet, and chromecast – the last in the case of møgvejr.

Bornholmerne must unfortunately live with, to the ferries, they have inherited from Molslinjen, only good-weather boats. They are not suitable for sailing in the waters between Ronne and Ystad, but this is a digression, for we came after all, both out and home without any delays.

The two houses we had rented, was located on a slope in the bottom of Halls bay at the town of Gudhjem and had gennemgangshul in the hedge. The young couple lived in the big house. The three old in the small, and all our common meals, we took in the large, because here was a long plank table. Family vacations is about to align the expectations and not sit the thighs of each other.

Therefore, there was room for both svogerens golf, photo safari and gourmetbesøg on Hallegaard.
The two houses we lived in were with views over Salene Bay. The sceneries, it gave, with the changing light could impress even the most hard-hearted. Private
We had three cars, so no need to wait on each other. But often went on we ad – among other things, to Hammershus. Now it is not because the cruel castle have changed since the last.

But the attraction has got a splendid visitor centre, which match the surroundings, and as in the most beautiful show tells the castle’s history. At the same time, the site has a café, which is supervised by the Michelin-starred restaurant Kadeau, which makes even the coffee is a pleasure.

And we got to revisit many places on the tour: Almindingen, Opalsøen. Østerlars Church, Rytterknægten, etc. But most of all we enjoyed the cities, the houses, the people and scenerierne around us. the
A few of the young people had never seen Østerlars Church. It rådedes that booth. Private
Taking a hike in the town of Gudhjem, where I stood and looked at a jagged, yellow house – a little located high and overlooking the water – came an old man tøffende to me.

– Yes, he is a good and interested man for the city, he said, and nodded toward the house.

I had to confess that I did not know the house’s owner.

– It is when Steffen Brandt. Him from the TV-2, he explained, and added:

– recently he gave a concert at Christiansø and Frederiksø. The village hall was filled to the brim.

There can be 140, gnæggede he went on.

On a trip to 1 of 4 This is a rare picture, where seven out of nine family members go in together. We enjoyed the nature of bornholm, and most got porno spadseret a part. Private 2 of 4 The cruel castle from the late 1200’s on the northern tip of Bornholm, to Hammerhus. Private 3 of 4 Opalsøen is completely green during the summer. Hence the name. It is due to the algae, which ‘blooms’ in full bloom in the summer heat. Private 4 of 4 No other places in Denmark you can see so beautiful landscapes, such as on the island of Bornholm. There is actually eventyrlandskaber. Private

I visited Harvest Museum.

Oh, it was beautiful pictures – a few of the more abstract might like to hang on my wall. We also saw pictures of another bornholmer – Hans Peter Haagensen, who, incidentally, had also made a mural in one of our rented houses. Nice detail.

Familyrides can be recommended. When the two are out and photograph the night sky, a reader, a gamer, and the rest have time in a game Draw and guess game, so there’s life in the cottage.


No sol over Gudhjem

Sol over Gudhjem.. It’s damn’ as beautiful. Private
When it comes to food, Bornholm is not free of tourist traps, and we smoke in – fol. a. at the port of Vang in Hasle, where we ate lunch at the Café Misty. It was sad. And since we at the same time during the meal had ’the pleasure’ of the dog and cat on, under and at the tables, it was all a bit varied for our taste.

it was Also a disappointment at the Smokehouse is in Gudhjem, where the salmon’s stages of color on the buffet indicated imports from Norwegian fish farms, where there is no serveredes ‘Sol over Gudhjem’, and where several dishes looked like something pre-fabricated. the
echo valley is a ‘forced’ experience for many. But speaking of turistrestauranter – so I did not want to eat here. Private
return we found more kvalitetscaféer both in Svaneke and Gudhjem.

Especially, we were happy for the Café Rosas (Gudhjem) bread. It cost a war, but tasted heavenly.

And Karamelkogeriet in the town of Gudhjem, which I visited with the daughter and son-in-law, brought some caramels, you could not keep up with eating again. Karamelkogeriet in Svaneke also made beautiful things that we bought. But we visited not the place.

On the return journey we ate brunch at Rønne on the Green Solution House. I can talk long about. The organic Hallegaard had delivered a nice part of the goods – including home-made sausages. It was delicious. In addition, contained the buffet, everything the heart could wish for – homemade and freshly baked to a value of 200 kr. pr. nose. Even D’angleterre’s famous brunch got here battle to the line.

on the whole, there is much to come after on the island of Bornholm – not least if you have a penchant for culinary experiences. the
The organic Hallegaard can very – bl. a. servers hot dogs in luksusversion. This creation is all homemade: Dark of hot dog buns, ramsløgpølse, pickled red onions, pickled cucumbers, raw onion, bacon-vermicelli on top, homemade kethup and mustard – Oh yes. Private