The climate on Saturday in Bern, loud advocate: far more than a thousand people followed a rally call, and struck with all sorts of noise instruments, “climate Alarm”.

at The rally, the Organisation of climate Alliance Switzerland, over 70 organisations from the environmental, development and social fields belong to had called. The rally participants protested against a possible weakening of the CO2 law by the Swiss Parliament.

At the rally all generations took part, including many families with children. The participants gathered at noon on the Bernese Helvetia square. On banners and posters, they expressed their concern that the Swiss Parliament about the CO2 act to mitigate.

policy Wake-up

“Sans mesures, pas de future” (without measures, no future) emblazoned on the Transparent one from the Romandie-travelled group. To find “a different planet, it could be difficult to get right, there,” emblazoned on a Transparent.

most of The rally participants had pots and lids, rattles, whistles and drums to make noise and symbol to awaken the policy. Even a Tuba player was spotted in the crowd. One of the party also policy makers, for example, Green-President Regula Rytz.


Already today, Switzerland can’t reach with the current legislation, the climate targets. And now an even weaker CO2 legislation, the threat to the country, Speakers that were to be understood because of the noise, however, difficult to be criticized. Instead of the desired faster, would be reduced CO2 emissions as from 2020, significantly slower than it is today.

among the demands of the climate Alliance, the Paris climate target to limit global warming to as 1.5 degrees, and substantially below two degrees, among other things, – in the Bahigo law the CO2 law. Furthermore, Switzerland aims to implement the polluter-pays principle and, in addition to the roads, even the air traffic and the Climate bear.

the organizers of The rally were pleased, and somewhat surprised about the many participants in this windy, cold December Saturday. The Helvetia was the casserole a little small and so pouring out the quantity of despite the rally, a private security service on the road. The police had to temporarily regulate traffic.

According to the space rally of the Demo, Participants moved in front of the Federal building, where they began once more to a loud “Wake up call” to the Parliamentarians, the next week the Session will continue. The rally proceeded without incident, and peacefully.


Created: 08.12.2018, 16:09 PM