MejlaAnders Lindberg+ FÖLJÅSIKTAnnie Lööf anxiety looks to be äktaLEDARE

Aftonbladet leader board independent social democratic.Photo: Erik Simander/TT / TT NEWS agency

Suddenly it happens, in the week we can get a government. The scholars argue about how the Centre party will act but the leaks are few and Annie Lööf anxiety looks to be genuine. Already in the morning we can get a decision about whose side she chooses: Stefan Löfvens or Jimmie Åkessons. Themselves would centerpartisterna time to say that the choice is not up to them, to the formation of the government is someone else’s responsibility. But it is difficult to argue against the parliamentary seats, and in some way they must vote.

– We will not negotiate with the social democrats on a new S-led government, said Annie Lööf in the last week to SVT.

” she says not anymore. The social democrats are scratching their heads over tactics. Loof negotiating through the media, with the ultimate kravlistor and call’s proposal in public for the “skambud”. The hearing, set closest to the existential questions at its tip, hence the anxiety. There is sufficient force in the conflict between progressive and reactionary parties that there will be enough for a government?


We do not know. In Sweden, we tend to shape the governments along the right-of-life and according to the logic is the S, MP, C and L a “mittenregering”. But it is to read the present wrong, Annie Lööf is not the middle. The four parties that are now negotiating to unite instead of its opposition to the authoritarian nationalism, and represents the modern, optimistic and creative Sweden.

Jimmie Åkesson has called motkraften for “conservative,” and he strives to form a reactionary bloc with conservatives and christian democrats. In the week, the three parties to vote for the same budget in the parliament. Maybe Åkesson – but probably not. When Conservatives in the coming months digging in the ashes of his valstrategi will the namely, to discover a small detail: there are not voters enough. Sweden lacks the religiously colored masskonservatism found in, for example, France and Germany. If the Conservatives included in a “conservative block” so learn it to be a very small party.

Market rents in red line

About Stefan Löfven and Annie Lööf had indeed been in the middle so this would be easy. But on a couple of crucial points, they are instead polar opposites in Swedish politics and negotiations very well the stupa. An example is rent control. For the Centre party, it is about the essence of the liberal ideology, they believe in free markets and that there will be more housing if the property owners may charge higher rents. But there are one and a half million apartments in Sweden, and with Annie Lööf policies risk closer was the third american to have to pay significantly more for their home. According to the Building is there, namely the housing shortage in 243 of the country’s 290 municipalities.

Swedish union of tenants allowed the consulting firm Ramboll count on the large rent increases it might be about. In for example Helsingborg, expect to pay 24 per cent higher rent in the municipality of Stockholm as 50%. How many can afford it? Many families with children and the elderly with small margins can be forced to move. It is a reverse redistribution, where a straight take from the poor and gives to the rich. Market rents is totally contrary to the social housing policy the social democrats have always Klasbahis stood for. For Stefan Löfven, it should be impossible to compromise on this.


another important issue is the labour law. Today is teeming with the working life of precarious employment, springvikariat, sms-jobs and clean-servant. A new social class has emerged – a “prekariat” – where uncertainty and slave-like conditions are the norm. It makes it difficult to get a mortgage, find accommodation or start a family. Social mobility is low.

But the Centre party does not see these people but want to increase the “flexibility” to further for companies. Annie Lööf want to use the law to lower wages and exempt businesses with fewer than 50 employees from the rule that the last employee gets to go first in the layoffs. It would deliver more than 1.3 million Swedish employees to the manager’s discretion.

Reasoning feels verklighetsfrånvänt in today’s labour market. Already today, there is great flexibility, but it requires negotiations with the unions if they want to make deviation from the succession at the layoffs. It is the way we usually do in Sweden, we negotiate and find solutions that are good for all. It is a model that worked very well if you compare with the strikes and the chaos in the labour market, we often see in other countries. Why risk this?

nor this can Stefan Löfven compromise. The Swedish model and job security should be just like the market to be a red line. Human security is the beating heart of the labour movement. Want to Party at any price to push through neoliberal reforms that threaten the common people, they may find other friends.

Regional redistribution

May to the end of the migration policy to be the hardest nuts to crack. There is no right-vänsterfråga but affects just the values now being challenged by reactionary forces. Förhoppningsavis can Annie Lööf grind away parts of the restrictive refugee policy of the social democrats has introduced.

However, there are other issues where consensus can be greater. The next government should be the pioneers to fight the growing imbalance between centre and periphery in Sweden. A regional redistribution of resources and investments located in both the Centre party and the social Democrats ‘ interest, as well as a functioning infrastructure and the welfare of the whole country. Sweden should be able to strengthen its position of leader in climate policy and in terms of equality between women and men. There are progressive reforms as a right-wing government would never be a priority.

It has taken three months and the strong feelings on both sides that come here. But beyond the harsh words and painful compromises herons in spite of all the possibility that Sweden stands up against the reactionary storm surge that affects country after country in Europe. And it would be worth the effort.