The departure of Britain from the European Union may not at all. Warn of both the minister of Foreign Affairs, Jeremy Hunt, as the two major sponsors of the brexitcampagne.

The house of Commons threatens the hard-won brexitdeal of prime minister Theresa May on Tuesday to vote away, making a chaotic exit from the EU is imminent. Hunt told the news channel Sky that the parliament ‘hard will do its best’ to a ‘crippling’ no-deal-brexit to avoid. the

“The big risk is that we don’t really deliver that for which the people have voted”, said Hunt against Sky. It is the first time that a minister is indicating that a departure from the EU could be blocked. Also two Leave-sponsors, billionaire Peter Hargreaves and hedgefondsmanager Crispin Odey, are said to expect that Britain is in the EU. the

May, and the leaders of the European Union last year their signatures under the brexitakkoord. But to be legally valid, must also to the British parliament agree. That’s probably going to fail; even within her own Conservative party have a lot of politicians very little good about the agreement to say.

also Read EU court: “the United Kingdom should brexitbeslissing unilateral roll-back” The Irish question

The biggest objection is about the relationship between the European republic of Ireland and British Northern Ireland. That last country, after the brexit a separate status in order to avoid that there is a de facto border between Northern Ireland and the republic of Ireland arises. For Northern Ireland, would later be arranged, where besides the inhabitants, London, Dublin and Brussels can live with. the

Critics of the deal May find that wording from the agreement, Great Britain is actually for an indefinite period of time in the clutches of the EU. London would have nothing more to tell about the end of the special status of Northern Ireland.