“Clothing store in flames in the Hamilton – may burn down to the ground”

“A clothing store in Hamilton in the Avesta municipality in flames.”

“the Emergency services will let the building burn down to the ground.”

“We have not been able to do anything more than protect adjacent objects,” says Håkan Axelsson, styrkeledare of the emergency services in the Avesta.”

“The first alarm of the fire came in to the emergency at midnight, on the night of Friday.”

“the Building that is burning is a store that sells clothes and home decor.”

“– It had gone too far when we came and there was nothing we could do, ” says Håkan Axelsson.”

“Now, will the emergency services to let the building burn down to the ground.”

“– There is a property that is relatively close as it’s been a little risk that the fire would spread to, but we have managed to protect with water, ” says Håkan Axelsson.”

“the Emergency services will stay on site during the night and the morning.”

“No one was in the building when the fire broke out.”

“– We were allowed to break up the doors and there was no one left in there, ” says Håkan Axelsson.”