“Bernie Sanders definitely has a chance”

“Bernie Sanders already showed in the last election that age need not be a handicap.”

“Bothered him and manages to survive yet another election campaign so he has definitely a chance to become the democratic candidate.”

“For who want to have a copy when you can get the original.”

“the Democrats are a party in total crisis. Two years after Hillary Clinton’s loss against Donald Trump, it has not yet recovered. Still looking for the party answer to the question of which type of candidate are the best to defeat Trump in the election in 2020.”

“Will there be someone to the right åsiktsmässigt is reasonably close to Trump but has a completely different and more likable personality. Or you should look for a candidate who is Trumps opposite on the political spectrum.”

“No answer has yet emerged.”

“When Bernie Sanders tried to become a candidate in the elections of 2016, he was a total outsider. Initially he was seen as the perfect challenger to Hillary Clinton. Absolutely matchless, but still with enough cred to not the democratic primary would seem rigged.”

“the Reality turned out to be a completely different. With its radical and populist vänsterbudskap, he brought the young people’s desire to policy and channeling their anger. Bernie was almost like a rock star.”

“instead of the clear and rapid victory that Hillary Clinton figured she had to live with the Sanders constantly panting in the back of the neck. To the end she won, but in retrospect, you can probably conclude that the democrats had a bigger chance to defeat Trump on the nominated Sanders instead. Hillary Clinton was the establishment candidate in an election when the majority wanted an outsider.”

“I met many generally dissatisfied voters who wondered if they would vote for Trump or Sanders but would rather stayed home than vote for Clinton.”

“During the more than two years, has the democratic party radicalized. The closest to the socialist views that Sanders brought, has become the German constitution. Minimum wage of 15 dollars an hour, free health care and free college education.”

“It is against the Sanders is age. Today, he is 77 years old. He would be the party’s candidate he will be 79 years old if he is elected president. In this case, clearly the elder leaders of the united states have had.”

“IN the united states, it is certainly no disadvantage to be older in politics. This is estimated to still experience. But a presidentvalrörelse is no play. It requires a tremendous level of fitness and stamina. It is not unusual to have 3-4 kampanjmöten per day during the primaries when candidates are screened.”

“Sanders showed in the last election campaign that he has the physics and the motivation to cope. But this time he will be four years older and what it means for the increased health risks of high stress levels. He manages to keep himself on his legs, he has definitely a good chance to win.”

“Now everyone knows who he is. Even those who hate a candidate who openly call themselves socialist.”

“A clear majority of the democrats who have so far announced his candidacy is, to some extent, disciples of Sanders. They have embraced his political message. Why choose a copy when you can get the original?”

“the Downside is that he no longer will be unique with its message. As for 2016, making him an outsider now becomes the mainstream.”

“Still don’t have all of the democrats who is tipped to be a candidate decided. Therefore, we do not know yet who will be the Bernie Sanders hardest contender. At present, it is probably Kamala Harris, senator from California and Amy Klobuchar from Minnesota.”

“former vice president Joe Biden or Beto ORourke, a former congressman in Texas up it becomes much tougher for the Sanders to get all the way to the goal.”

“Bernie Sanders, however, has another advantage. “

“the Party’s new rising star, the new kongresskvinnan from New York city, Alexandria Ocasio Cortez worked for a time in his campaign in 2016. She has in short time become something of an icon for democrats across the united states. She is, admittedly, only 29 years old and therefore cannot be the running mate but she can be a valuable help for Sanders.”