‘Done right, it could be a great museum!’

How to write Klaus P. in a comment on Politiken’s Facebook profile on the plans, the people behind the bla. The technical Museum in Helsingør now launches to move the session to Copenhagen’s Nordhavn, and make a completely new and huge museum of Danish technology and industrial history in Svanemølleværkets building.

‘it Could be a la Tate Modern with technique instead of art? And maybe concerts with electronic music.’

‘Would be cool’, writes Michael D. in another comment. All in all museumsopslaget got more than 400 likes.

– thus, We have a collection of international format, which today may not be disseminated or stored properly, argues the chairman of the Danish Technical Museum, Jørgen Lindegaard, for the idea of the newspaper Politiken, which indiscriminately cite:

1. H. C. Ørsted’s compass, which he used when he documented electromagnetism.

2. Valdemar poulsen’s telegrafon from 1898, which for the first time made the magnetic storage of audio possible and created the foundation for all of the world’s hard drives and credit cards.

3. Niels Bohrs instruments.

4. Ellehammers airplane.

5. The first seven lego bricks from 1958.

6. H. C. Andersen’s valentine to his friend H. C. Ørsted.

65.000 guests found their way to the Technical Museum in Elsinore last year. In Stockholm visited 314.000 persons the Swedish technical museum in 2017, and in Oslo looked 288.000 on the Norwegian technique. In London are the Science Museum to drag the whole 3.2 million visitors.