In a suburb of the Moroccan capital of Rabat have arrested security forces for a second Swiss. The arrest was part of a large manhunt after members of the alleged IS-cell to stand behind the brutal murder of two Scandinavian tourists from mid-December in the Atlas mountains. The Swiss is so far accused of any complicity in the bloody deed, but “only” Links to the IS-terrorists. The presumption of innocence applies.

Both of the detainees are dual citizens, converts, and in the Region of Geneva grew up in. Both are also available in the Saudi Arabia-funded Great mosque of Geneva radicalized, a house of God, in addition to countless innocent Muslims is also a whole series of later Syria-traveler topsy-turvy.

“Prophetic medicine”

on Thursday arrested Swiss is the son of a by the Geneva businessman and a British citizen. According to his Facebook profile, n. p.* has visited the international school in Geneva and, later, a Shiatsu training in Brittany to go through. In addition, the convert in Geneva opened a Studio for “prophetic medicine” where it was to altmuslimische healing method of Cupping. The address of this “Studios”, that had a website of your own, n. p. a Parking lot at the end of the runway of the airport of Geneva-Cointrin.

when and under what circumstances, n. p., also called himself Abdel Karim P., to Morocco, traveled, and seems to have at least temporarily settled, is still unclear. Also his relationship with the previously arrested Swiss-Spanish dual citizen K., which is about seven years younger than the N. P., there is still no accurate information. K. Z. was in Geneva as a petty criminal and a Stoner, and apparently had psychological problems for which he should have received an IV-pension.

unlike K. Z. Abdel Karim P. was on the various social media active and has left a lot of digital traces, for example, a picture with a guided bomb, a pool of blood and a Headline, in which it is called, by analogy, that the true Salafis condemned the Western terrorism. In addition, photos of black Jihad are to be found there, flags with the Muslim creed, in white.

time and again, the mosque of Petit-Saconnex

another convert from the environment of the Great mosque in Geneva’s Quartier Petit-Saconnex may have belonged to a Moroccan IS-cell, is significant. However, there have always been warnings against certain persons in this house of God, especially in front of two, in the meantime, dismissed imams and a security man.

So the Federal intelligence service (NDB) has had several of these people on his radar screen. A group to a Geneva taxi driver has radicalized in the orbit of the Great mosque. Several members of the group joined later, or were taken on the trip to Syria. The events in Geneva are reminiscent of similar developments in the vicinity of the now-closed’Only mosque in Winterthur, the Ar Rahman mosque in Biel and other places of worship in Lausanne or Lugano. They also show that organized by alleged terrorists from Switzerland here and radicalized, they expanded their terrorist activities in the Arab world.

* Name known to the editors. (editor-in-Tamedia)

Created: 11.01.2019, 19:47 PM