According to a press report, the federal government did not check the available stocks of the Bundeswehr throughout 2022, despite demands from home and abroad to supply Ukraine with battle tanks and armored personnel carriers. This emerges from a reply from the Parliamentary State Secretary in the Defense Ministry, Siemtje Möller (SPD) to the CDU MP Nicolas Zippelius, reports the “Süddeutsche Zeitung”.

“There was no comprehensive and detailed examination of the availability of the Bundeswehr’s stocks of battle tanks and armored personnel carriers in the context of possible deliveries to Ukraine,” Möller wrote in the reply. The reason: There was “no common position for a possible delivery of the weapons systems mentioned” among the states supporting Ukraine. However, supply offers from the industry were “discussed, checked and continuously updated”.

Zippelius criticizes the government’s actions: “The answer provides information about the exclusively reactive behavior of the federal government,” he said. It is a scandal that the federal government did not check the stocks of battle tanks and armored personnel carriers for a possible delivery to Ukraine in 2022. This exposes the Chancellor’s supposedly strategic approach as an excuse. “If you don’t check your own stocks, you can’t act with foresight either.”

After the resignation of Defense Minister Christine Lambrecht (SPD), her successor Boris Pistorius (SPD) ordered an examination of the deliverable stocks.

Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) then announced the delivery of 14 Leopard 2 main battle tanks from Bundeswehr stocks in the middle of last week. Pistorius must now seek understanding for the consequences, according to the “SZ”. For example, there were no tanks for training soldiers in Germany. On Wednesday, Pistorius will therefore visit Tank Battalion 203 in Augustdorf, Westphalia, which is to hand over the 14 Leopard 2 tanks to the Ukraine.