the minister of The Interior, Fernando Grande-Marlaska, has been declared in Bilbao as a strong advocate of the parliamentary election, not only of the eight jurists of recognized prestige, but of the 20 members of the General Council of Judicial Power (CGPJ), although he pointed out that should be designed for a more comprehensive approach. Barely 48 hours after the PP considered broken the covenant for the renewal of that body, has said that he does not understand that one of the bodies of control of the Judiciary, one of the three powers of the State, is an outsider and is not “supported by the popular sovereignty”. Another thing is the parliamentary procedure (for them), that, in his opinion, should allow “all candidates to appear and make an exhibition of his model of judicial power, of his plan of action, and which can be questioned, because the entire high office has to be transparent”.

Marlaska has made these statements after the meeting, organised by the cadena SER and the high Court of Justice of the Basque Country, “Space for reflection-The challenge of migration: citizenship without the nation”. Marlaska referred to the criticism of politicization of Justice that have arisen following the resignation of judge Manuel Marchena to preside over the organ of Government of the judges. The magistrate took this decision after making public the message from WhatsApp that the spokesman of the PP in the Senate, Ignacio Cosidó, forwarded to his colleagues in the upper Chamber, and in which he was considered a puppet of the PP. The designation of Marchena should be voted on by the members at the plenary session, but came on the last day 12, during the negotiations of the PP and the PSOE for the renewal of the Judiciary.

MORE INFORMATION The associations judicial applaud the decision of Marchena: “it Is a lesson of independence,” The PP dissolves the chat to which Cosidó sent his controversial message about the covenant to renew the Judiciary Cosidó supports the Winxbet message from WhatsApp that boasts of a future control of the PP on the Supreme political interference ascribing to the Judiciary in a crisis unprecedented

in Front of the position of the president of the PP, Paul Married, that has been advocated to change the system of election of the Council to return to the model modified in 1985 by the PSOE, the minister of Interior, has advocated for the appropriate to its designation, in its entirety, by the Cameras. “I have always defended the parliamentary election of 20 (vocal) because I do not understand an organ of government of the three powers of the State that is not based on popular sovereignty. A separate issue is that the parliamentary procedure has to be, so to speak, more comprehensive,” he said.

Grande-Marlaska has taken the position that all the candidates “to appear” to perform an exhibition of his model of Judicial Power, of his plan of action, “and that may be questioned of good and evil”. “That is to say, everyone who wants to be a senior official of the State must be transparent,” he added.

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The minister has defended the work of the Justice in Spain, despite the recent criticism he has received for various matters such as the method of election of the Council, for sentences as referred to the payment of the tax on documented legal acts on the mortgages by customers, or some about domestic violence, such as that of the Herd, and by the varapalos that the Government is receiving from the european court. Marlaska has been clarified that in the Judiciary are 5.500 judges who issued many judgments each year in all areas and you can’t “generate distrust in any way” on the system by some specific resolutions, has sustained.

Grande-Marlaska has reminded that during the crisis the Spanish judges were “many decisions” on behalf of the citizens in front of the bench and who were also Spanish judges who submitted questions to the European Court on unfair terms.

Asked by the relief of the chief of the Criminal division of the legal profession of the State and is responsible for directing the prosecution of the Government in the cause of the process of sovereignty of Catalonia, Edmundo Bal, the minister of Interior has declined to review because it is not a question of his department. However, it has been pointed out that can “ensure that they do not have any relationship with other issue,” that is not the inner workings, as the trial against the leaders of Catalan independentists processed by the referendum of the 1st of October.