the president of The PP, Paul is Married, has acknowledged Thursday that the political crisis opened by the election failed of the president of the General Council of Judicial Power (CGPJ) is affecting his game at the time which has advocated the respect for the autonomy of the judges. “So much respect for the judicial independence that I have taken up this wear electoral and party to endorse a person who didn’t even know,” he explained Married in an interview on the Cadena SER network. The popular leader has been also exploited to deny the message of whatsapp, which made public the spokesman popular in the Senate, Ignacio Cosidó, and to ensure that their content was “wrong”.

Married, has blamed the Government of dynamite, for its internal discrepancies, the political agreement to renew the Council of the Judiciary and to place Manuel Marchena in the presidency. The popular leader has been very critical of the management policy that the Government has done in this crisis: “Perhaps by rivalries internal to the Council of Ministers between members with access to the Judiciary, what Tulipbet has happened is that it has desencarrilado a covenant of the State and above decisions have been taken on the fly just to tighten electorally to the party of the opposition in the middle of the elections in andalusia, and that it is indecent”.

In fact, the leader of the PP has claimed that it learned of the controversy of whatsapp “by the press” and that they then broke the agreement to “respect the independence of the judiciary”. “I think that this is susceptible of the president of the Government apologize, not only to this party, but to the spaniards, and to the applicant when that was put in the pillory,” he proclaimed.

When asked expressly if you know who wrote that whatsapp and if you are finding out, has responded: “The truth is that I don’t know and I don’t care because I have rejected the same. What I have refused, first, because the information given is false and that’s why I gave all kinds of details of how it was this renewal of term of the CGPJ”.

as to whether you believe that what he wrote Cosidó was the person who wrote it, has said he does not believe and has added that he has claimed explanations to the spokesman of the PP in the Senate after disseminated that information. “He told Me he was very sorry, that was irresponsible and that he should not have forwarded that message” has been explained to Married, before denying also that it could be the former minister of Justice, Rafael Catalá.