The mexican writer born in Gijón, Paco Ignacio Taibo II, might not arrive to take possession of the office as director of the Economic Culture Fund (FCE) for that; for having been born in Gijón.

After being appointed by president-elect Andrés Manuel López Obrador to lead the editorial and the network of libraries in the State from December 1, the latest controversy surrounding the historian has to do with a stale act, as amended by Gustavo Díaz Ordaz (1964-1970) and that would prevent him from taking office by having been born in Spain. Article 21 of the Law of entities controlled by the state prevents access to the address of a public company who are not “mexican by birth”.

to The writer the controversy grabbed him preparing for his arrival at the place where you want to make an extensive reform to reduce costs and to bring reading to the whole country. “I had No idea of this situation. My reference was that as Arnaldo Orla Reynal had run the Fund, despite having argentine nationality, there would be no problems,” he said in an interview in El Universal.

Although the writer has received the commitment of López Obrador that the law will be reformed, as confirmed by himself, the dissemination of his place of birth has mobilized the local culture in defense of their work and their commitment to the core with the country and the literature.

Under the tag #QuieroFCEconTaibo the mobilization on social networks was a national trend on Friday, and has helped thousands of readers remember the long commitment of Taibo.

“We have demanded that Mexico call the best citizens to cover public duties for which they Deneme bonusu have demonstrated dedication, preparation, and honesty. He has given his life to the promotion of reading and education,” wrote the writer Lydia Cacho in tuiter. “Paco Taibo 2 was born in Gijón but has done much more for Mexico than many born here. And despite being mexa, has done much more for Gijón that many asturian people”, added the writer and graphic designer Bernardo Fernández, ‘Bef’. The writer, Antonio Ortuño also joked on the social network: “How is it possible that you want to change the law to a “foreign” direct the FCE!”: carefully, they changed the law to sell the state-owned oil company abroad”.

The onslaught against the writer has also led Betlike to thousands of network users to remember their many contributions to the mexican culture. Author of over 80 novels, Taibo, as it is known, sold last year, more than 100,000 copies of his book Homeland (Editorial Planeta). Parallel is to the front of the ‘Brigade to read in freedom’, where Taibo (him, his daughter Marina, José Ramón and his wife, Paloma, among others) have deployed an intense work effort and without resources.

Thanks to this, and in recent years have organized 150 tianguis or markets books in popular sectors of the capital where there was never a bookstore, have donated half a million copies and have published 147 titles, among them an anthology of Juan Gelman and José Emilio Pacheco. His cause was joined by some 200 writers who have shown solidarity with the cause and have donated texts or have given talks, including Carlos Monsivais, Carlos Fuentes (who are assigned by their heirs), Sergio Ramirez or Elena Poniatowska.

Paco Ignacio Taibo II in study of the City of Mexico. Mónica González, The Country

National Prize of History, cultural promoter and activist,Francisco Ignacio Taibo Mahojo was born in 1949 in Gijón, Asturas, and emigrated with his family to the ten years during the dictatorship.

His father, the writer Paco Ignacio Taibo, was for decades a benchmark for the Spanish exile and his house a place of obligatory stop for artists and intellectuals persecuted as Joan Manuel Serrat, or for grief-stricken emigrants that they found in their fabadas the embrace of longing, in an age without diplomatic relations between the two countries.

The last time that the FCE lived a revolt similar was in 1965 after the cessation ordered by Díaz Ordaz, the “foreign” Arnaldo Orfila Reynal, born in Argentina. Orfila had dared to publish the book by Oscar Lewis The children of Sanchez, where is portrayed the poverty in the City of Mexico, which offended the representative he considered it an insult.

According to the recalled Carlos Fuentes in an article published in this newspaper on the occasion of his death, the dismissal has provoked “one of the pages most beautiful of the mexican culture,” when all the friends of Orfila left the FCE in solidarity. “Elena Poniatowska took the initiative to create a new editorial and provided his own home as an office. Thus was born the TWENTY-first Century, Orfila was able to continue his extraordinary work publisher and his friends find a new home for our books,” wrote Sources.

completed the legal change promised by Obrador, Taibo will have before it the task of conducting the FCE, a publishing house established in 1934, which for decades was the benchmark and a source of national pride thanks to its extensive network of libraries and thousands of titles at reduced prices but do not lives their best moment. In recent years, the Economic Culture Fund has consolidated one of the best collections of children’s literature in Spanish, but “has become a cemetery of elephants for political crappy, with a bunch of red carpets unnecessary, collections to fit well and books at exorbitant prices that do not sell”, described Taibo II in an interview on W Radio where he insisted on his mantra for managing the FCE: “Not to close libraries, not to dismiss workers and not to destroy books.”