A young man who was allegedly deported from Spain to Armenia, and he died last night in the airport Sheremétievo after being struck by a plane. His body was found on the track next to your personal belongings. Has been identified as Albert Epremian, 25 years of age and citizenship of armenia, and according to the researchers , was struck by a Boeing 737 which was about to take off heading to Athens.

police and airport security would not have clarified that toward in the track Epremian, who came to Moscow from Madrid on a flight from the Russian company Aeroflot on a scale to Yerevan (capital of Armenia). The young woman had lived several years in Barcelona.

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Armenian authorities have claimed that Spain they had not been notified of any deportation. The young, moreover, not traveling accompanied by a police escort as it normally determines the protocol in Spain for commercial flights. Analyze now if the certificate that you have found the security service Russian on the track and claiming bahis bonusu that it is an order of expulsion is a certificate of Jojobet absence of passport.

The event continues to be quite opaque. A security source told the agency Russian Interfax that Epremian “started a fight” to board the plane in Madrid with several members of the crew and a member of the National Ballet of Russia, who was travelling along with his companions on the same flight. When you get to Moscow, the young man was escorted by the police was waiting for him on the ramp of the aircraft to interrogate him for the incident, according to the version of the security services in russia. Led him to a room in the transit area, where, after asking him about the fight, I opened an administrative record, according to the agency Russian Tass.

The violation occurred at the time that the passengers were boarding the flight that I was going to bring Epremian to Armenia, the researchers write. The young man –whom the Russian police reportedly escorted to the exit to the track after questioning him– instead of taking the bus that leads from the terminal to the plane escaped down the track and was hit by the plane. The authorities have not clarified how he had access to a space nominally protected.

The pilot thought he had collided with a small animal, as a hare, ” he said. To detect failures in the fuselage continued on route to Athens, he said. In Greece, when you review the aircraft found human remains and also a deterioration in the structure of the aircraft.

The federal agency for transport supervision of Russia has opened a dossier to the airport and has stated that it will inspect the security services and the organization. In addition, the Russian public prosecutor’s office has opened a criminal case for violation of safety requirements in the transportation on the flights.