ARE, fortunately, little affected by the outbreak of the new coronavirus, but also their children, can be infected. And not only: they can be easy vehicle for the transfer of the infection to the grandparents, fascia instead of the population particularly at risk for Covid-19. It is also for this reason that today the experts of the Italian Society of pediatrics (Sip) have put together a little guide to help contain the risk of infections in children, with some advice on how to deal with them during the emergency by coronavirus.
The same rules as recommended for adults apply as well to children, remember from the Sip. Provided maybe you pay some attention, presenting them for the little ones or helping them to observe them, something that is not always easy. So attention to washing of hands, and maybe humming a few times “happy birthday to you” and closing the faucet with a towel – be careful not to mix bottles, cutlery and glasses, to keep clean the surfaces on which they play, cleaning with alcohol-based disinfectants to 75% or chlorine, 1% (liquid bleach). Cleaning which covers, of course, smartphones and tablets (and related cover) with which the children play, with normal household detergents: at least once a day, avoiding other people, even family, simultaneously use the same devices. “Most of the manufacturers of the electronic devices confirm that the first thing to do is to clean your smartphone, after I switched it off and disconnected any cables that are attached to, is pass a soft cloth ones with no fluff”, to write about it.
prevention For the rest remain almost unchanged, the rules of prevention that apply to all: avoid the children touching the eyes, nose and mouth with unwashed hands, clean them in the case of sneezing, coughs and colds, especially if it is not protected by a handkerchief, to keep them away from anyone who shows symptoms of the flu, avoiding, in general, hugs and kisses, and also by ensuring for them the distance interpersonal of a meter. Care particular – that are in the diet or administration of substances with presumed protective action – there are, including antivirals and antibiotics, and not recommended outside of a prescription: “there are No drugs or vitamins, that can stop or prevent the infection. If the child has a fever, stay home, administered the usual medications antipyretics (paracetamol) and advised to phone your pediatrician without seeing, however, in his study, nor to the emergency room”.
Games and activities The golden rule is to stay at home as much as possible, without hiding the children the reason why time is necessary to do so, continue the pediatricians. Explain to the children what is going on, with honesty, sincerity, in a manner and in language appropriate to their age, to help them to maintain their routine is, the council is practically unanimous that comes not only from pediatricians, but also by telefono Azzurro and Unicef. Finally, the Sip brings together a small library to help children and their families to pass the time these days at home, for every age group. Here it is:
From 0 to 3 years 1-The pants of polar bear (Tupera Tupera, Salani Editore, 2015 (0-3year)
2 – Panda and pandino what do they do?, Satoshi Iriyama, Terre di mezzo, 2020 (0-3)
3-The trullallini, Teresa Porcella, Giulia Orecchia, Zerotre, 2018, (0-3)
From 3 to 6 years 4-I have seen a mole, Clear Vignocchi and Silvia Borando, Minibombo, (3-6)
5-my neighbors, Einat Tsarfati, The beaver, 2020, (3-6)
6-Amazing as you!, Rhys Brisenden, Edizioni Clichy, 2019, (3-6)
7-Samuel, J. Godstyn, Lupoguido, 2020, (3-6)
4 From 6 years and up 8-worst birthday of my life, Benjamin Chaud, Terre di Mezzo, 2017 (6+)
9-The secret place, Susanna Mattiangeli and FelicitaSala, Lupoguido, 2019 (6+)
10-I was waiting for so long, Olivier Tallec, Edizioni Clichy, 2019 (6+)
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