on Tuesday night are working at the track in Vilters SG five men after a collision brought down. They had to be brought to the hospital.
In the Work of the old railway to twelve Wagons were loaded thresholds. Connecting should be a double-locomotive-composition of the train car back to Sargans transport. The driver had to be reset to pair to the double-locomotive with Wagons. In doing so, he had to rely on the instructions of an assistant engineer, who was in the front of the locomotive and the view had contact to the Wagons.
Because of agreement problems between the two drivers had collided with the double-locomotive with low speed on the first Wagon, police said. As a result, a jolt went through the Wagons. Five track workers that were on the Wagons, rushed sleepers to the ground, or on the loaded train.
The workers between the ages of 19 and 50 years, were injured. One of them, a 45-year-old man, has to stay because of minor injuries back for further treatment in the hospital, as it is called on the request of the Canton police St. Gallen. Whether the workers are employed by the SBB, could not the Kapo-speaker to say. (sda/red)
Created: 05.11.2019, 11:19 PM