
The British Museum opens the dialogue with Chile for the return of a moái...

MORE INFORMATION Chile wants it back the moái of Easter Island that exhibits the British Museum When Chile wanted to sell the Island from...

The union leader of the firefighters of Mexico City suffers a terrorist attack on...

Ismael Figueroa, the leader of the firefighters union of the City of Mexico, has suffered from this Friday a direct attack in...

Shot and killed syrian activist who satirizaba to Assad and the rebels

A group of armed and masked men killed this Friday to the well-known syrian activist Raed Fares, 46, who ran an independent...

The heir arabia starts in Abu Dhabi on his first trip abroad after the...

The crown prince and ruler of made in Saudi Arabia, Mohamed Bin Salman, has started this Friday in Abu Dhabi a tour...

The EU offers Spain a statement on Gibraltar to clear his veto on the...

Spain remains the threat of veto Brexit, but begins to glimpse the possibility of removing it. The secretary of State for European...

Jalisco is spearheading the opposition to Lopez Obrador

In the state of Jalisco, west of Mexico, has risen on Thursday a voice of resistance to the steamroller that represent Andrés...

The vice-president of Nicaragua, led the response to the protests against Ortega

The April 20, Rosario Murillo, vice-president of Nicaragua, and wife of president Daniel Ortega, ordered the secretaries to politicians of the Sandinista...

Luigi Di Maio: “The carnage social, which asks for the EU is not possible”

Luigi Di Maio (Avellino, 1986) is minister of Labour and Economic Development of Italy, also one of its two vice-presidents and the...

Seven dead in an attack against the chinese consulate in Karachi

At least seven people were killed, including two policemen and two civilians, in an attack today against the chinese consulate perpetrated by...

More than 11 hours tortured sexually by soldiers of the Marine in Mexico

Magdalena Saavedra might have been asleep, but she was awake. On the night of may 10, 2013, in which around nine marine...



Hoe oplichters je steeds vaker proberen te misleiden

Het aantal oplichtingsincidenten waarbij criminelen zich voordoen als politieagenten neemt steeds meer toe, met name onder oudere mensen die vaak het doelwit zijn van...

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