Kulturhuset (the city theatre)+ FÖLJViktig reminder of FörintelsenUlrika Stahre see the exhibition Witnesses on KulturhusetFoto: Mikael JanssonÖverlevaren Tauba Katzenstein.ART

final the exhibition before the Kulturhuset city theatre closes for renovation is now shown Witnesses, the portraits of the last generation förintelseöverlevare signed Mikael Jansson , more known as a fashion photographer.

It is, to say the least, a powerful exhibition. History’s dark shadow has started to picked up again as the familiar, and the photographs of these men and women, now in his 90s, who have lived their life in Sweden is liberating everyday and sincere. Jansson has captured these people in the absolute now that is the photograph’s strength.

Apart from all context, it is rarely older people visible in so large porträttformat – it is beautiful, open images. Furrowed faces, look which sometimes looks, sometimes retreating. Some show their bare arms, with the tattoo, the numbers. And so the short information, next: name, age, year of arrival to Sweden, the name of the camps.

have what maybe you could call the turn and came already before the war, others remained on the continent to the 1950s or 1960s. But most of these survivors came at the end of the war in 1945, as very young people. Time is singular: it is as if it stood still, the pictures from the Holocaust is so iconic and close, at the same time as all of the portraits shows that the years have gone by.

1 of 2 | Photo: Mikael JanssonWalter Frankenstein.

the Exhibition’s large theme is, of course, the Holocaust, and a small part is ordained to a collection of older photos, and one or other recent from Auschwitz. But I’m still so curious about the lives that have been lived here, Jokerbet in Sweden, how it has been, how it is now. How it went with everything, with the wounds and the losses.

Witnesses work both in a tidy, aesthetically wise and is very informative. A 2010 century answer to Whether this may you tell, the book was published in 1998 for the first time (and last updated in 2015). It was created when it was discovered that the level of knowledge was extremely low among young people, and in the time we now live, the situation is even more acute. When a jewish local politician in Lund, get their houses burnt to the ground, when the jews, above all, Malmö is increasingly looking to emigrate to Israel, when we have become accustomed to synagogues in various cities in Europe have to have high security because of the constant threat – that’s when the reminders eka if the eradication is only a single generation back in time.

double line of the old cabinets that cuts right through the exhibition, turn in toward each other and thereby creating a narrow time, contributing to yet another level. Inside the time, voices, stories, testimonials. Mirrors, carved wooden doors. Cabinets that can accommodate a life of gadgets or clothes, cabinets of the type to which the safe stood in the apartments of Europe’s jews were forced to leave.

Cabinets glass will be walls to hang paintings on, an organic part of the exhibition, its heart. The throbbing part of a strong manifestation that becomes worse by the texts and films, stories, printed on tidningsstora sheet. It’s just trying to take it all in.