“Calle Schulman has got engaged: ”Life is lovely””

“Calle Schulman has gone down on his knees, and courted to his girlfriend, Sandhra Johnsson.”

“She said yes, and by 2020 it is expected the wedding to take place.”

“I’m so HAPPY!”, write medieprofilen on Instagram.”

“Calle Schulman, 39, and Sandhra Johnsson, 31, got engaged.”

“the Couple are currently on holiday in Mombasa, Kenya and the news was revealed after Calle Schulman posted a picture along with his future wife on Instagram.”

“”She took of the ring! We’re getting married next year! Life is lovely”, he writes in the Instagraminlägget which right now has just over 14 000 likes.”

“Before the wooing, he should have been careful to get approval from both their children Tom Allan, 4, and Penny, 7, Sandhras dad. “

“And all gave their consent,” says one happy Calle Schulman. ”I’m so HAPPY!”, he writes.”

“In the comment field visible, congratulations and best wishes from several major profiles of Rebecca Stella, Adam Alsing and Marie Serneholt.”

“Even Sandhra Johnsson shared förlovningslyckan on Instagram. “

“”TOTAL UNAWARE – then he goes down on her knees, takes out a ring and asks me if I want to marry. Oh, my GOD!”, she writes.”

“I’m so happy! The man in my life! Love you,” she concludes the post with, and at the same time fit on to reveal that the wedding is planned to take place in 2020.”

“Calle Schulman and Sandhra Johnsson has been dating since the spring of 2017.”

“He has previously been married to Anitha Cleménce, 40, as he also has children Tom Allan and Penny together with. “