in addition to the day-care centres want to Minister for the family, Franziska also encourage the staff of the facilities. Over five years, her Ministry provides EUR 300 million for the training of the educators nachwuches.

Minister for family Affairs, Giffey wants to make the teacher profession more attractive.

To increase the day-to-quality want to help the Federal countries over the course of 5.5 billion euros from the so-called Good-Kita-law. Federal Minister of family Affairs Franziska Giffey says to the countries of around € 300 million, in order to gain more skilled workers for the daycare centers. “The new training year in the summer of 2019 we are set until 2022, around 300 million euros as a stimulus for the countries,” said the SPD-politician in the Newspapers of the Funke media group.

the aim of the Skilled worker campaign is to attract more young people into the educational profession. “There is interest in this profession, but for many he is not attractive enough,” said Giffey. “As long as we achieve better pay and recognition should change nothing.”

trainees should remuneration

educators currently receive their first two years of Training is not paid.

The money is to be used, according to the report, among other things, to pay for the educational training. Currently, the first two years of Training will not be paid in the educator profession, which take place in a specialised school.

The spark-Newspapers quote from a recent Prognos study commissioned by the Federal Ministry for family Affairs, by the year 2025 in German day-care centres 191.000 lack of skilled workers by the year 2030, it is therefore 199.000. According to the study, and the introduction of a training allowance 50,000 additional graduates for an educator training to win.

promotion through 2022 and beyond

On Friday, the Bundestag had adopted at its last meeting before the Christmas break, the so-called Good-Kita-law. It provides that the Federal government pays up to 2022, around 5.5 billion euros to the Länder, 2019 there are initially 500 million.

use the countries money, you can decide, for example, in better facilities, longer opening Hours, language support or better food. In the ZDF Giffey confirmed the intention of the Federal government “to invest in durable and sustainable” in the quality of day-care centres. The financial framework go only up to 2022. But: “We have the goal to do beyond the more,” said the SPD politician.

Bundestag Kita-law, 14.12.2018 decides “Good Kita” – Opposition contradicts, 18.10.2018 Atlas |Germany |Berlin
