Four dead in Strasbourg – gunner circled

at Least two people have been killed and at least eleven have been seriously injured in shootings in Strasbourg, France. The police know the identity of the shooter – who was injured in clashes with soldiers – reports the AFP.

An investigation of the terrorist incident has been opened. The man is still on the loose.

the Offender shall be hemmed in by police after an intense police chase during the evening, according to Reuters sources. Two casualties have been confirmed by the authorities, but several media reports of four dead, including a Reuters referring to sources in the police.

It was at the 20-time that gunfire broke out in several locations in the vicinity of a christmas fair at one of the city’s public square, Place Kléber.

A lone gunman have opened fire on the rue des Grandes-Arcades, where at least two people should have met. The shooter shall then have gone a distance away, and fired additional shots, according to local newspaper l’alsace. The suspect, the shooter must also have been injured in clashes with soldiers, according to AFP.

France’s interior minister says the suspected offender is known by the police of their criminal activities, reports Reuters, which also states that he is registered on a säkerhetslista, Fiche S. Which included approximately 26 000 people, including around 10 000 radicalized islamists. The man, a 29-year-old, to be born in Strasbourg and the police should have kept an eye out for him.

the EU parliament was closed

Large parts of the city have been blocked and public transport has been stopped.

mep Fredrick Federley (C) were in the vicinity when the shooting broke out.

It slammed into civilpolisbilar with lights, ” says EU parliamentarian Fredrick Federley (C).

the EU parliament was closed as a precaution when the data of the shooting became known.

I am in the evening hosted a christmas dinner for the liberals in the committee on industry and would get there. I had been home and changed, and then took a walk and photographed a part of the massive juldekorationerna here. So I passed by this location and photographed the christmas tree that is perhaps 50 metres from the location shoots.

When Fredrick Federley went to a restaurant across a bridge came a police officer and turned him back.

– Then slammed it into civilpolisbilar with lights. Then I understood that something had happened. I had the same routine that I had in Brussels and in Stockholm – you start to inform the family, announces on Facebook and Twitter. I have also seen to it that my staff are okay.

He also tells us that the bridges have been blocked and that the sirens go off.