Cecilie Beck and the rest of her family will never forget the day 26 years ago, when they were struck by a terrible tragedy.

the Tv host’s 17-year-old little brother had set himself up on a motorcycle to run a little turn, but lost on the trip control and drove into a power pole.

It ended up completely wrong, and the 17-year-old Mathias never returned home again. He died after the collision with elmasten.

In a new interview with Out & Home puts the 48-year-old TV2-host words on the grief that still fills much of the day today. Here she tells how she got the terrible message that her little brother was dead.

It was implemented horribly. I can remember that I came home from Journalisthøjskolen the day and played my answering machine, and so was the message from my mother. Whew… She had opened the door for the police, and then there was just exploded a bomb in the head on her. So she was in shock and thought, of course, not about how it worked, I got to know on an answering machine, says Cecilie Beck in the interview.

Just the way, the tragic message was delivered to the then 23-year-old Cecilie Beck, has made a deep impression on her.

– There went a couple of years then, when I got it bad, when the phone rang. It was a time of a state of emergency in the family and the worst period of my life, says Cecilie Beck.

Cecilie Beck is known as a host on TV2. Photo: Mogens Flindt

While it is many years ago that the seasoned host lost his younger brother, filling up the grief is still very much with Cecilie Beck. Especially in connection with holidays, missing her little brother.

– We have just been along to the christmas atmosphere, there is a lack of he just. Even though it is so many years ago, it may be felt that he is not there, when we are all together. I have two other siblings, and we were used to be a bunch of four. Suddenly one is only three. It makes da damn evil, and I always think immediately of the families, when I hear about an accident. For I know exactly how awful it is to get the message, and how it is to live with the grief, she says, for the Outside & at Home.

because of the tragedy she and her family have been through, it can according to Cecilie Beck sometimes be difficult to avoid being affected when she is in daily life, reports on accidents from all over the world through his job as a host on the TV2 News.

According to the Cecilie Beck, she has however developed a ‘strange professional filter’, which means that she is for the most part can abstract from it.

When the TV2 Sunday shows årskavalkaden ‘The greatest moments’ it will be with Cecilie Beck in the front, together with Louise Wolff and Cecilie Frøkjær.

Here will TV2, together with the danes look back on the year that has passed, and both highlight the funny, happy, but also sad moments.

It looks Cecilie Beck very much looking forward to, because according to her, it is important that we both are talking about the happy and unhappy moments in life.

Ekstra Bladet has tried to get a detailed comment from Cecilie Beck, but she is at the time of writing not be returned on our request.