Police in Sala municipality, in Sweden, in the woods last night, at 21.24, out of a home in Möklinta. Where they found three people dead, including the perpetrator.

Shortly afterwards, they that they consider this as a drapssak.

In a press release today, early tells the police that the investigation so far has revealed that there is a man in the 50 years that have shot their two children, and then taken his own life.

the Police stated that they had received information that the man at the time of the killings should have sent a video live on a social medium, and that they work with to investigate this.

the Police does not suspect that there is more gjerningspersoner.

According to Expressen and Aftonbladet, the man is a sportsman, who has previously been in the upper echelon in their sport.

Expressens images shows that several police cars are on site. In the course of the night, police worked to notify next of kin and supported those in the social circle that has had the need for it.

the School as the two children went on, has created a crisis team. The municipality started to plan kriseinstansen already early Thursday morning.

– Now it is full kraftsamling to meet the students and staff in this tragic situation. We are reinforcing with the resources available locally, elevhelse and another form for staff with sakskunnskaper, ” says superintendent mr. henric Sjöblom to Aftonbladet.