you wanted to enjoy mother’s day and the new year: In Northern Iraq, an apparently overcrowded ferry has become many day-trippers out to be disastrous. The ship capsized, more than 70 people drowned, mainly women and children.

In a ferry accident near the Northern Iraqi city of Mosul at least 71 people drowned. 55 Survivors were rescued from the river Tigris, told the state news Agency INA, citing the interior Ministry.

shots in the social media showed people who were swept away by the strong flow in the Tigris. Some clung to objects that swam in the water.

most of the victims, according to authorities figures, women and children. They could not swim, said the head of the civil protection in Mosul. Actually, she wanted to mother’s day, now celebrated in the Arab world, and the upcoming Kurdish new year festival “Newroz” with a trip. Your goal: A popular island in the middle of the river Tigris, North of Mosul.

200 instead of 50 people on Board

Iraqi media reported that the ship capsized because it was overloaded. The members of Parliament Abdal Rahim al-Schamari said that the ferry was designed for 50 people, but had around 200 on Board. Eyewitnesses reported that the ship was also old. Because it had rained in the past few weeks in the Region, the water level of the Tigris is currently high, which makes the rescue work difficult.

Mossuls inhabitants were called in the social media, to participate in the rescue of the victims. Also helicopters were in use.

The former million city of Mosul had been overrun in the summer of 2014 by the terrorist militia “Islamic state” (IS). Iraqi troops were able to get rid of 2017, with air support from the international Anti-IS coalition. Large parts of the city, but now destroyed. The old town Mossuls was placed in the fight against the jihadists almost completely in rubble. The billions in reconstruction is progressing very slowly.

the battle for Mosul: Fierce defence of the IS, 04.11.2016 Atlas |Iraq |Mosul

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