Switzerland spends the next four years, approximately 148 million Swiss francs for the global protection of the environment. The national Council on Friday as the two the credit facility entered approves “the global environment”.
He said the credit of 130 to 65 votes, against the will of the SVP. So that Switzerland can comply with their international obligations and their contributions to four funds to renew. The scope of the credit facility corresponds to that for the last four years. The contributions are credited to the public development aid. 118 million francs, intended for the Global environmental Fund-GEF. Around 14 million Swiss francs will flow into the multilateral ozone Fund, 13 million in two climate funds. Added to this is a implementation of credit of approximately CHF 3 million.
of The GEF, distributed since 1991, more than 16 billion US dollars to developing countries. The money flowed in projects on climate protection, biodiversity, water and soil protection, as well as to the handling of chemicals and waste. So about 3300 natural areas have been placed under protection and 940 projects for the reduction of greenhouse gas emissions.
bureaucracy instead of the protection of the environment?
Against the contribution of Switzerland to the Fund, the SVP was – already for the seventh Time, such as Felix Müri (SVP/LU) said. The pure redistribution pots, he criticized. A large part of the money flow in the bureaucracy, and many projects would bring nothing. With this attitude, the SVP as a stand alone, however. The other groups keep to the participation of Switzerland is useful. Often it is hot, the Switzerland alone could do nothing. This credit allows for a common approach. Some countries do not have the resources to combat environmental problems.
Turned against the million-credit: The SVP national councillor Felix Müri.
Bastien Girod (Green/ZH) stressed, it is going to be big issues, such as climate, water protection and biodiversity. Not all projects are perfect, he admitted. “But you don’t throw the baby out with the bathwater.” Benoît Genecand (FDP/GE) noted that about 80 percent of the projects met according to the Evaluation objectives.
In the best interest of
environment Minister Simonetta Sommaruga pointed out that it was in the best interest of Switzerland, that worldwide environmental concerns would be taken more into account. Most clearly you see it when it comes to climate change, of which Switzerland is more affected than other countries.
The former asylum Minister also established a connection to Migration. Environmental protection is the basis for economic development, she said. If the soil is not contaminated or the air and the water poisoned, the people have no perspective. This is a frequent cause of Migration.
Provided a reference for Migration: Federal councillor Simonetta Sommaruga.
The effectiveness of the projects, said Sommaruga, this will continuously checked by an independent body. The cost of something. The critic would have to decide. They demanded effective projects that need it a good test. Then should not be criticized for the cost.
Also, the environmental and the financial Commission came to the conclusion that the GEF and the other funds showed a positive balance. To discuss the projects with the partial withdrawal of other countries in the committees in addition to the effectiveness. China will only have to Deposit $ 22 million, and the United States halved their contributions. The Swiss contribution to the GEF according to the Commission, to 3.64 percent of all contributions from speakers in the Fund.
Video: Swiss youth strike for climate protection Call on the politicians to Act: The world klimatag hundreds of thousands of students were in the whole of Switzerland on the road.
Created: 22.03.2019, 10:37 PM