“NMR practice battle with the knife in the municipal local”

the “Nazi Nordic resistance movement (NMR) to rent a room by the Nacka municipality, where they train to battle with a knife, according to the Expo , something that the Swedish newspaper svenska Dagbladet reported. The dojo is used extensively by sports clubs and many activities targeted towards school-age children.”

“the Municipality is aware that NMR uses the premises but continues despite the fact that to rent it out.”

” According to our assessment they have been conducting training in the premises, that is to say, not illegal or criminal activity. Our legal assessment is therefore that we cannot deny them to rent the premises, says Anders Mebius, culture and fritidsdirektör in Nacka, to the Expo.”

“at the same time the municipality of Nacka an action plan against våldsbejakande extremism and to identify the environments where it is grown. Among the NMR-activists who are practicing in the venue is more convicted for violent crimes, according to the Expo.”