
The tracker need a binoculars

The BVB shows with the victory at Schalke, the rivals is currently the benchmark for the claims by the table leader. Their coach...

Researchers find the oldest traces of the plague pathogen

In a 5000 years old tomb Palaeogeneticist have discovered the oldest-known strain of the plague pathogen. The researchers suggest that the plague appeared first...

The locomotive and the curler

Many transport companies have a hard time finding enough drivers. Now you can advertise strengthened by fresh forces. Marco Völklein Marco...

The Protest happening now, really

The Assembly abolished the games - the values of the active Fans as a success. You have to recognize that language matters in...

No, Sire, this is a Revolution

The legacy of the French Revolution is part of the national remembrance. However, the frontal attack of the "Yellow vests" on the Parisian Arc...

Women like in a dream

The last convulsions of the Bikini-delusion on a highly polished engine covers: The new Pirelli calendar shows women as people with hopes and...

France implements the right to an upbringing free of violence

In France, there was no law, the parents said the Beating of their children. Now, the ruling majority has dared to make an advance...

Islam advice wants to mediate between Muslims and local authorities

A new Islam advice is from January 2019 in case of conflicts between local authorities and Muslim communities. What are the problems and misunderstandings...

When the Plucked a Obazda is

In the North of the free state you are not to speak anyway, well to the South. However, in Swiss francs, and now...

Forecast: Global CO2 emissions continue to rise

Projections show that global greenhouse gas emissions has increased in the past year. An international group of researchers predicts an increase in emissions of...



Auto rijdt huis van Cor-Jan en Patricia binnen: ‘Ik hoorde haar...

Cor-Jan en Patricia Kooiman werden donderdagnacht opgeschrikt door een angstaanjagend incident. Rond half drie reed een auto hun huis in Fijnaart binnen, met Patricia...

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