the Lawyer Rasmus Paludan should be sentenced to a term of imprisonment for speech shared on YouTube. It considers the prosecution, which has indicted ralph waldo emerson.
Paludan – founder of the party firm – is accused of in a video on his party’s youtubekanal to have commented insulting or degrading about blacks in south Africa.
Among other things, the City in the video said:
– When you as Bwalya Sørensen and most negate in south Africa are not gifted enough to be able to see how things actually relate, so it’s much easier to see only in black and white, and as said give the blame to the whites, stand there in the indictment.
The aforementioned woman, Bwalya Sørensen, is a part of the group Black Lives Matter”.
in addition to the above-mentioned passage speaks Paludan in the video also on the IQ70-persons – i.e. persons with a low iq in the border area of mental retardation.
the Rasmus Paludan refuses guilty of the charge brought against him.
– It is part of an analysis of the political conditions in south Africa. As I have stated, that the IQ70-groups of the population can’t manage their own countries, says Rasmus Paludan
– In every country – also in Denmark – the IQ70-the population can’t control the country. And as I just stated, that a IQ70-group of the population can not run a country, so I have neither derided or brought down any, he says.