“The rescue operation for the distressed in the mountains”

“Three men are stuck in the mountains.”

“Now fjällräddare been alerted to it out to help the distressed.”

“– There the wind blows hard and the people freeze, ” says Marie Andersson, RLC-command at the police in the region of the North.”

“It was at the 19 time that the three men, who are between Singistugorna and Kebstugan at Kebnekaise, alerted the SOS.”

“We have now called out fjällräddare to help these people,” says Marie Andersson, RLC-command at the police in the region of the North.”

“She says that it is difficult väderlag at the site and the SMHI at the same time have gone out with a class 2 warning for the storm in the northern Mountains.”

“– There the wind blows hard and the people will freeze. It is possible neither to put up a tent or to cook food.”

“In what way takes fjällräddarna?”

“– It can be via snowmobile or by ski, I don’t know how it looks in this case.”

“Is it up to date with the helicopter?”

“” I have not heard anything about it. That said, it blows it very much on the spot.”

“How long can this take?”

“– It is the distance in the mountains so it can take a while.”

“Shortly after the 23-time had the people still had not been rescued, according to police.”