“Worried about lyme disease? So, you’ll recognize the symptoms,”
“Summer is here. nMen with summer also comes a lot of ticks – and with them the lyme disease. nHär are the symptoms to look for if you are worried about being affected by infektionssjukdomen lyme disease.”
“Summer is finally here but it means not only swimming, lazy days in the sun and ice cream. With summer lurking also a lot of dangers in the wild. Snake bites, wasp stings and tick bites are some of the things that can be good to see up with in the summer heat.”
“Ticks are found throughout Sweden and the risk of infektionssjukdomen lyme disease is, unlike TBE, spread over large parts of the country. Another difference is that you can’t vaccinate against lyme disease, however, can you treat lyme disease with antibiotics. Often times, it takes about a day after becoming bitten by a tick to the borreliainfektionen wanders over. Therefore reduces the probability to be infected if you removed the tick soon.”
“The most common and well known symptom is that you get a reddening of the skin, which is larger than five centimeters in diameter, at the place where you got fästingbettet. About half of all who are infected, a reddening of the type. Usually shows erythema up after one to four weeks after you have been bitten by the tick. The skin can also domna and itch. “
“the Verdict become larger with time. It can fade in the middle which makes it so becomes annular, but the redness may also be uniformly red or oval.”
“One should not be mistaken hudrodnanden with the minor redness that you can get directly after a tick bite. The redness is a reaction to the bite and usually go over after a few days. It is, in 1177.see, usually not a sign that you’ve got lyme disease.”
“Other symptoms that indicate that you may be infected with lyme disease is pain, fatigue, and headache. “
“Can spread to joints and the nervous system”
“If you don’t treat a lyme disease with antibiotics, it can spread to the joints and nervous system. Then you can experience symptoms such as headache, fever, joint pain in neck, arms, back, and legs, weight loss, and temporary facial paralysis. Sometimes, even heart and eyes are affected.”
“Lyme disease can also cause a form of joint inflammation, borreliaartrit. You is usually one or more joints become swollen. The swelling usually sits in a per days or weeks. It usually go away by itself but may come back in the rounds.”
“With less than one in ten who gets a lyme disease affected the nervous system. It is called neuro borrelia, and is more common in children than in adults.”
“A third may be carrier”
“How many people who are affected by lyme disease each year, it is not known with certainty. But, according to 1177.see, up to one third of the ticks to be the bearer of borreliabakterier. The probability to be infected if you become fästingbiten is, however, less than one in one hundred.”