A self-driving car kills a Foot who pushes a Bicycle through the road – even though a human driver as a hedge behind the wheel of sass. How could this happen?

The US Agency for transportation safety (NTSB) has submitted a year after this accident with a Uber-test vehicle in Arizona, your investigation results. What you found out, it could be groundbreaking, as the Supervisory authorities and the car industry in the future with the risks of Robotaxis.

accident was “completely avoidable”

the cause of The accident was, according to the US investigators to be a Software error. They came to the conclusion that the vehicle had not identified the woman as a foot-goer, as a road, crossed it in the dark, a Bicycle sliding. The Radar Sensors of the 49 detected-Year-old, 5.6 seconds before the accident, and classified them as “vehicle”.

and Then changed the Software, however, their predictions and forecast at the end, incorrectly, that the woman would not cross the road in front of the converted Volvo-SUV. The accident was the police, according to the “entirely avoidable”. Because there was also a Back-up driver on Board, which should monitor the System. This, however, had looked at at the time of the accident on your Smartphone Videos. Five months earlier, Uber had been reduced to the security of occupation in the Robotaxis of two to a Person.

It was the first and so far only fatal accident with a self driving car. Uber had set up then first of all test-driving Autonomous vehicles. Meanwhile, some of the Software-controlled Uber – car-driving again, but with severe limitations. Overall, it was the NTSB that between September 2016 and March 2018’37 accidents involving Uber vehicles in Autonomous mode. In 33 incidents if another car was involved.

in addition to Uber to develop several dozen companies systems for self-driving cars.

Uber said, “to have a significant program improvements” made, and regretted the fatal accident. With the new Software, such an accident could not happen, the company said. The safety authority may, meanwhile, draw the lessons learned from the accident as a basis for recommendations for the industry as a whole as well as for Supervisory authorities. The competent Committee on the 19. November.

The fatal accident had led to significant safety concerns regarding the business with self-driving cars. The car industry is working feverishly to bring automated vehicles to market maturity. That 90 percent of the accidents were at fault of the people and the technology of Autonomous vehicles will prevent, is a Central Argument of the developers of the Robot. In addition to Uber, there are several dozen companies, which develop their own systems for self-driving cars on public roads in the United States test.

Among other things, Tesla has announced it will allow already in the next year his cars as Robotaxis to – date, the electric car driver assistance systems to be unlocked, the need to monitor the driver actually constantly. However, this has already led to a number of bad accidents. In 2016, a Tesla driver was killed because he had left the control of the driving assistance system of the electric car. He raced under a truck trailer crossed the street car. Vehicles such as a converted Uber-cars, however, are used to drive without the participation of the people, and even if the safety driver to intervene often.

Created: 06.11.2019, 21:02 Uhr