
Ignacio Aldecoa, a classic in permanent demand

“A great writer, as it is the case that occupies to us, it is never enough to read, nor known. But Spain...

Edith Cavell, heroine of the First World War who died ajusticiada

MORE INFORMATION photo gallery The First World War, summed up in 15 images Edith Cavell understood that he...

Did you know the baron Thyssen who was buying art stolen by the nazis?

The scene occurs in October of 1976. Baron Hans Heinrich Thyssen-Bornemisza, one of the greatest experts in the art market in the...

The video of Charlotte Prodger wins the Turner in an edition that leaves out...

The work that Charlotte Prodger based on a variety of video formats has been receiving Tuesday night's Turner prize for contemporary art,...

Falomir starts the scientific renewal of the Prado

With the Bicentennial in march, the director of the National Museum of the Prado, Miguel Falomir is to face it, a year...

Carolina For: The fans of ‘operación Triunfo’ they want my death

Carolina For he had not wanted to know nothing of Operation Triumph, perhaps due to prejudice, perhaps because they were simply wrapped...

Timothy Snyder: The authoritarian governments have killed the future

we Live within a revelation cushioned by the belief that we have new technologies that help us to understand the world. But...

The treasure roman that appeared in a cauldron

The brothers Eusebius and Thomas Roland, in the middle of a severe storm, went on foot through the ancient path that connected...

The world in a fight that lived Nina Simone

Nina Simone liked to repeat to herself a phrase that he used to say his friend, the writer James Baldwin: “This is...

The International Society of Authors penalizes the SGAE and raises his expulsion

The International Confederation of Societies of Authors and Composers (CISAC) has decided this Tuesday to initiate a "process to impose sanctions" against...



Compromis bereikt in asielruzie coalitie: PVV en NSC overeenstemming bereikt

Onze parlementaire redactie heeft vernomen dat de coalitiepartijen PVV en NSC een compromis hebben bereikt over strengere asielmaatregelen. Dit nieuws werd bevestigd door bronnen...

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