
The EU: Germany and the Baltic countries, the main objectives of Russian disinformation for...

the EU-a choice for the door and ahead of the vote trying to Russia increase the fragmentation between the european voters and...

The south africans want to vote, but a hashtagg shows widespread opposition

a quarter of A century has passed since Nelson Mandela and the ANC won South africa's first free elections and the apartheid...

Swedish Ola Bini will remain in custody in Ecuador

Ola Bini was arrested at the airport in Quito on april 11, when he was on his way to Japan to train...

Requires double defence spending – threatens to run over the Leaves

the Swedish defence policy has for the past 20 years has been irresponsible. The development of Russia is deeply disturbing and we...

Michael Winiarski: Putin wants to be partners in Korea

Negotiations on north korea's nuclear status with the US got stuck at the February summit between Kim and Donald Trump...

Easter can take players from the crisis-ridden AIK and Hammarby

There is a crisis in both Hammarby and AIK. When Hammarby, Swedish champion in 2006-2008, now being forced to take...

Anna-Lena Laurén: the Elderly and children should have priority, it is obvious to the...

Someone should help him, I thought. Before I could turn back, the man was almost down on the platform. He...

Police arrest nearly 400 environmentalists

In London, protesters with seat and blockades for more climate-Adhesive demonstrated protective. Since Monday, the police arrested almost 400 of them. The mass arrests...

Netanyahu, before a further term of office : Why is Israel angry times threaten

For Israel, it could have been a historic day. A the Land of Benjamin Netanyahu clicks off and on as Prime Minister....

Strategy paper on influence : the AfD under Russian control?

To their proximity to Russia has left the AfD is little doubt. But the documents, which have been able to analyse the...



Klachten over malafide rioolreinigers in Nederland: Duizenden euro’s voor standaardklusjes

Malafide rioolreinigers in Nederland misleiden klanten en loodgieters voor duizenden euro'sDuizenden euro's voor standaardklusjes? Het klinkt als een absurd bedrag, maar voor vele ongelukkige...

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