Negotiations on north korea’s nuclear status with the US got stuck at the February summit between Kim and Donald Trump in the vietnamese capital city of Hanoi. Before this meeting had the Trump praised the north Korean dictator as ”my friend” and called him ”a great leader”. But to pander to didn’t help, and the meeting Trump on the pre-promised to become a breakthrough, was instead a total unsuccessful. The fiasco was likely that the parties talked past each other: the north koreans demanded that all sanctions against the country would be lifted, while the americans requested that all nuclear facilities in north Korea would be scrapped. By turning to Russia Kim that his negotiating position is strengthened and he puts new pressure on the Trump, so that kärnvapenförhandlingarna thus, to get started again. For the isolated north Korea, it is urgent that as soon as possible, have a relief in economic sanctions.

– One of Putin’s overarching objective is to position Russia as a significant global player, even on the Korean peninsula, which is a conflict that otherwise has been handled by the united states and China. After the military interventions in Ukraine and Syria, he would also be happy to appear as a peacemaker. That Putin is stealing some of the spotlight has Trump may not be so much against; Stephen Biegun, the U.S. special envoy for Korea, visited for other Moscow last week for talks with his Russian counterpart ahead of the Russian-north Korean meeting.

– most Likely in a rather general statements of intent of the type that it needs to be a gradual process in which north Korea dismantle its nuclear weapons capability against the united states and other countries are scaling down the sanctions. It is also said to be the basic idea of a Russian-chinese plan for a settlement of the conflict. Officially, the international community agree that the goal is a complete, verifiable and irreversible kärnvapenavrustning of north Korea. In return, the north Korean regime get security guarantees. However, it is unclear how eager China and Russia really is on north korea’s total disarmament; the most important for Moscow and Beijing is that the status quo on the Korean peninsula is not shaken.

– finally, it must be the united states and north Korea, which makes up, with south Korea, China and perhaps Russia on a corner.