
Svenska kraftnät’s former director general was interviewed in KU

the DN in a series of articles revealed several anomalies on the authority Svenska kraftnät. It has, among other things, dealt with...

Scenrecension: Eddie Izzard is the world’s funniest history teacher

Christ the Redemptor who died on the cross for your banklåns sake, what a disaster this had been. If we were, say,...

Timrå won against Oskarshamn after jättemisstag – a victory from the SHL

Three of the four matches have been decided in overtime before Oskarshamn won the last by 5-2. It is also noteworthy that...

Forsa-survey on STH : CDU Boss loses with voters clearly in the consent

CDU Boss Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer loses, according to a survey on the consent of the electors. Your consent values barometer "of the TV...

Anders Bolling: The only thing we have is now, it is in this now...

How do we know that we are not living in a simulated reality? wonder (among others) futuristentreprenören Elon Musk. It is perhaps...

British demonstrate to for a second Brexit Referendum : hundreds of thousands in protest...

In London, has started on Saturday a large demonstration for a second Brexit Referendum. Opponents of Britain's withdrawal from the European Union...

Commercial cooperation Oslo Skin Lab: Give wager on their skin holistic treatment: my Skin...

Personal trainer, high school teacher and blogger Anna Saivosalmi tested in the fall of Oslo Skin Lab The Solution™ -a collagen product for eight...

Norrbottenspolitiker flew to tågmöte in Umeå via stockholm Arlanda

In december 2017, would two politicians from the counties of Norrbotten to participate in the company Norrtågs board meeting in Umeå, Kenneth...

Jorge Luis Borges: the Wall and the books

He, whose long wall the wand'ring Tartar bounds ... I read a...

Ministry of defence admits serious errors

The Federal Ministry of defence has admitted, according to a media report, the serious error in the renovation of the Gorch Fock. After an...



Eindhoven bewoners snel terug naar huis na nachtelijke brand

Bewoners Eindhoven snel terug naar huis na nachtelijke brandZaterdag 8 maart 2025 - 18:00Inwoners van een appartementencomplex in Eindhoven konden snel weer naar huis...

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