Many a round butt seeking work out of the inject lenksun leg and kicking to go to the gym device. Bodybuilder Mika Nyyssölä instead urged focus on comprehensive basic movements. The ball in your hand and kyykylle!


are you Still dreaming of a round butt, while everyone else already seems to have it. A recent book Mika Nyyssölä – Giant Killer workout atlas published bodybuilder Mika Nyyssölä , 41, reveals now the best butt movements.

-Many people think that they nitkuttelut and stalling devices to produce the print, when you want to get the shape of the buttocks. Really all of the most effective movements are the basic movements with free weights, Nyyssölä said.

Nitkuttelun and vitkuttelulla Nyyssölä refers especially to women way the recommended individual muscle groups treenautti the gym equipment, which foot kicked the side, behind or in front. They do not grow from the muscles and muscle groups nearly as effectively as the big global basic movements.

-for Example, the basic squats increase the butt the best, as well as the deep squat are the most effective gluteal muscles, Nyyssölä said.

a Good butt is not a secret

Nyyssölä encouraged to do especially the back of the thigh to strengthen the movements. The back of the thighs and buttocks are the human body larger and stronger muscles and their importance to the gym to work out in the has stressed, eyes round and athletic butt has been now for a few years really want.

-When the hamstrings work out, very often also the buttocks are activated. Movements that are good for the back thighs, are good also the buttocks.

do you Want to finally get a round butt? All of the most effective movements are the basic movements with free weights, say a bodybuilder Mika Nyyssölä. JOUNI LEHTONEN / GIANT KILLER workout atlas

in his Book Nyyssölä writes that a good butt to achieve is not a secret, but the results can be quite usual for the basic movements, such as squats, Hackeilla and prässeillä. Nyyssölä to pick up book three of the best movement that you should work out hard, if butt wants to format.

Leg press sumo position

1. Take the sled in the wide leg position, with the feet outward.

2. Calculate the sled as low as possible so that your knees remain all the time the foot in the direction of the outward.

3. Do not slide the tray back all the way up, so the strain stays mainly in the posterior thighs and the buttocks.

Take before the movement-making the wide leg position, with the feet outward. JOUNI LEHTONEN / GIANT KILLER workout atlas count the sled as low as possible. JOUNI LEHTONEN / GIANT KILLER workout atlas sumo squats with dumbbells

1. Take a wide sumo stance, feet pointing outwards.

2. Hold a dumbbell in between your legs and descend into a squat as low as you can.

3. Do alasmeno calmly and back of the thighs against the brake in and push yourself back up to the heel, the gluteal and posterior femoral shaft.

Take a wide sumo position, with the feet pointing outwards. JOUNI LEHTONEN / GIANT KILLER workout atlas hold a dumbbell in between your legs and descend into a squat as low as possible. JOUNI LEHTONEN / GIANT KILLER workout atlas rear squat rack

1. Standing about shoulder-width position the feet slightly outwards and remove the bar epäkkäiden on. Keep your chin up and chest out so your back stays as straight as possible.

2. Take a brisk air and a source of land to calm down until the thighs are in line with the floor.

3. Push yourself to the heels and the thigh muscles back up. The chin did not get down at any stage of the movement.

Stands about shoulder-width position the feet slightly outwards, before the squat. JOUNI LEHTONEN / GIANT KILLER workout atlas descend down until the thighs are with the floor in the same line. JOUNI LEHTONEN / GIANT KILLER workout atlas

Pictures of the training movements: Mika Nyyssölä – Giant Killer workout atlas (Docendo 2018) / Jouko Lehtonen, Authors: Mika Nyyssölä, Jouni Virtamo and Jouni Lehtonen