Unemployed graduates can not as usual enter the Academic A-box right now and get statutory conversations about job search and help with cv.

It is the consequence of the inflamed case of the firing of the previous director, Michael Valentin, who is now reported to the police by the a-box for breach of mandate.

The job seekers academics can read the news of the closure on the a-box website.

Confederation of A-box informs that, in the long ago planned to bring together employees from across the country in Copenhagen for the joint christmas party on Friday.

however, It is the case of the fired director, where a whistleblower believes that top management is ‘greasy’, which is the fault of the previous closing.

’the Pga. the current situation is that now, at the same time scheduled a briefing at. 10.30′, informs pressekonsulent Morten Huse Eikrem-Jeppesen.

‘It is the background for A cashier in the day will be closed already from pm 10 and not pm. 12, which previously have been signed out’, is it.

Case map: The darkened firing

Michael Valentin was fired as the director of Academic A-box 27. september.

the Background of the hitherto darkened the dismissal is the subject of two studies.

first, the Danish Agency for Labour market and Recruitment even launched a tilsynsundersøgelse with the assistance of the Attorney general. This is not yet completed.

on the one hand Scholars A-kasses board of directors launched a legal inquiry. It is completed, but the board’s chairman, Allan Luplau, do not want to lift the veil for its content and conclusions, because the study vedfører ‘one or more civil service tribunal’.

the Extra Leaf has, however, revealed that advokatundersøgelsen bl.a. have referred to alleged harassment and bullying of tillidsfolk.

the Extra Leaf has also revealed that the a-box has reported to the police, Michael Valentin, to have received kickbacks in the form of wine tours for the 40,000 crowns.

at the same time, it has fired the director supported Løkkefonden with 50,000 dollars in order to get access to Lars Løkke, revealed the Extra Leaf. It succeeded, as Lars Løkke came by Confederation of A-box in February 2015 for a one-hour meeting.

the Extra Leaf has also revealed that the a-box members paid 400.000 crowns for Michael Valentine-hour front desk, when he was 50 years old in 2017.

A whistleblower believes that top management is ‘fat check’ in the matter.

‘There is a fundamental need to get cleaned up in the senior management of a-checkout’, writes the whistleblower to the members of the a-box two top bodies – the board of directors and the 57 members of the board of governors.

the Extra Leaf has also revealed that Michael Valentin, booked the premises at Johan Borup high School for 250.000 dkk, which was never used. Later, he came with in the school’s board of directors.

As a result of the case have Michael Valentin resigned from the post of president of the people’s meeting on Bornholm.

Internal mails, which Berlingske has revealed, shows that Michael Valentin knew that he as the president of the Planet and storsponsor in through the a-box held a critical dual role. Nevertheless, he continued, he maintained the cash flow from the a-box for the Planet around 200,000 euros per year in the years ’15 to ’18.

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the Extra Leaf has previously revealed that the a-box politianmeldte Michael Valentin of breach of mandate and for having received kickbacks in the form of wine tours to four continents, for over 40,000 crowns.

the Report is something of a volte-face. If he was fired, wrote A-box chairman of the board, Allan Luplau, in the last month to the Danish Agency for Labour market and Recruitment, that ’there is no identified relationship, which is in conflict with the provisions of the penal code’.

Since the situation in the country’s largest a-box with 233.000 members become the subject of two advokatundersøgelser.

first, the Danish Agency for Labour market and Recruitment even launched a tilsynsundersøgelse with assistance from the Attorney general about the background of the sacking of Michael Valentin. On the one hand Scholars A-kasses board of directors also initiated a legal inquiry

Michael Valentin does not believe that he has broken the law on kickbacks, and he declares to have acted in good faith.

In the family with bribery

Kickbacks are often mentioned in connection with corruption in the private sector. For example, it may be a buyer in a company that Marsbahis receives gifts or benefits from a supplier in order to get the purchaser to buy the vendor’s products.

the Provision for kickbacks found in penal code section 299). 2:

‘With a fine or imprisonment up to four years, punished as by the safeguarding of someone else’s formueanliggender for themselves or others on the pligtstridig way receives, requires or allows himself to warrant the gift or other advantage, as well as the grants, promises or offers such gift or other advantage.’

Ekstra Bladet has tried in vain to get a comment from the Scholars (A-kasse and chairman of the board Allan Luplau.

See also: Fired director retires as the public meeting-chairman

the Board of directors in the Confederation of A-box

Allan Luplau, president
Poul Michael Øllgaard
Peter Toftsø
Anne Marie Lassen-Nielsen
Rikke Løvig Simonsen
Sara Gundelach Vergo
Kim Oberg Jessen
Camilla Noelle Rathcke
Ole Helby Petersen, vice-president
Christen Staghøj Sinding
Eva Secher Mathiasen
Charlotte Groule
Tine Segel
Janice Mohr Sillassen, vice-president
Jan Rose Andresen

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