If the history of Oscar has made you think and you also want to help this cause to change the world


do Not you ever had an experience that I give to read a legal text of any kind and any parties that ye do not understand? And what I say of the election programmes, which are supposed to be one of the tools that we use to elect our rulers and they are cryptic? That bewilderment, we sense all any time, although we do not recognize it for shame. But something that may be trivial to the majority is a real problem for the collective of people with intellectual disabilities.

In 2013, the Cooperative Speaker arose to combat these barriers that are not physical. Today this multidisciplinary team integrated by Oscar, Carlos, Blake and Sara, offers services accessibility cognitive, easy-to-read and training as the tools to make reality Casino siteleri more understandable for everyone.

Our capabilities

on The day that I was going to get to know the members of the Cooperative Speaker, my back is contracturó. Accustomed to live at an accelerated pace I thought, if I could not be present at this meeting, it would cost me understand and convey the history of these people.

however, what I thought would be a setback helped me to position myself on a different plane and with a calmer pace from which I have been able to get to know these four characters through their voices. In addition, listen to their experiences and life-course trajectories has allowed me to reflect on what they mean to our capacities and what we do with them.

Rights for all

When we think of the defense of our rights, we do so from a perspective restrictive: we consider a majority of society and even to the people with physical disabilities. However, those who have intellectual disability are not present in these claims.

I became aware of this important omission when listening to Óscar Pueyo, chair of Speaker, during the interview for this article. Oscar talks about his path to be a part of this business project to “improve the lives of all people.” Oscar wants what you may want to either: “to Have a partner, though if it comes out nothing will happen because life goes on”. And embodies with pride the philosophy of the Speaker: “If it is not fun, is not speaker. That is to say, that if we are not happy the office is that something happens”. Someone that small I wanted to “lead a long train journey” ends up being part of the engine of a pioneering initiative which involves a large social impact.

Oscar defends the importance of knowing our rights as a central aspect of their work. Get to know them and facilitate others to know. But when he and Carlos Villota, the other a co-operative Speaker, speaking of rights, have in mind to all the world. “Understand what you put in a contract or in a book is a fundamental right and help other people to become independent,” explains Carlos referring to one of the lines of work that have about easy-to-read. And is that, in the process of making accessible a text, as they did in the last election with the election programs, we all win.

expand photo Carlos and Oscar. To visualize other realities

According to the latest report on the state of poverty in Spain, the State Observatory of Disability warns that “people with disabilities support a risk-of-poverty and/or exclusion are much higher than those who do not have disabilities”. This fact makes it essential to a company as a Speaker because it opens other possibilities on how to build new business models. This is not that there are places in which certain roles are developed by people with disabilities, but people with and without disabilities working together for us to talk about true integration.

After you know the job of Speaker, I am aware of the amount of people and groups made invisible in our society, how we underestimate their contributions to the world and Dinamobet what is needed to turn out these projects.

Discover the limits

If you realize, the things that give us good ones are reinforced by the people of our environment. We grow, and we define a function of those capacities, up to even reach to deny our own boundaries for fear of being rejected. So, when we become adults, most do not know to say no, and we develop on too many occasions, an emotional life and work based on the requirement, towards oneself and towards others.

expand photo Oscar and Sara, a cooperative Speaker.

In the case of people with intellectual disabilities, the process is usually the opposite. To this collective, the society points to the limits of their abilities from birth and during their growth, they have to break those barriers that have been imposed and afford to live and make mistakes. In Speaker combined daily these two situations: the acceptance of the limits of some and the struggle to break barriers imposed from the outside of others. As it says Arancha Cejudo, partner, volunteer Speaker, “we are not in a table of operations and, if we are wrong, nothing happens”.


Sara Rodriguez, co-operative Speaker, talk about “letting go of fear to meet with people with disabilities and begin to treat people”. In addition, it puts a perfect example to talk about the importance of giving up our privilege to listen to one another, giving of their time. I, like Sara, I am impatient and it cost me down the hectic pace in which I live. That’s why, when running from the rush and the urgency, how are we going to stop to listen to those who put their life on the job? We are terrified of what we don’t know and what that may pose an internal conflict, but we are losing the opportunity to learn about other ways of living and to other people, we have much to learn.

Add capabilities

In a society very focused on the intelligentsia, and in that we hide what we cannot do for fear of what others think, a team of people are concerned that we can all access easily and without restrictions to knowledge. These professionals work on a daily basis by combining their diversity of knowledge and viewpoints. We are lucky to have all of the capabilities of Oscar, Carlos, Blake and Sara. How can we not want to multiply the voices that come out of this Speaker?

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MORE INFORMATION to Pass to the action Content adapted from the video of Oscar


I I was little I was in a school of integration where would some people with disabilities, but I moved house I ended up in a school ordinary where… I do not were things so well. The teachers did not know how to deal with people with disabilities. Without knowing too much what we did, we designed a project and it cost us a lot more to find entrepreneurs without disabilities.


Oscar was one of the first people selected for the first team of partners prior to starting in the year 2013 and when we call him to say, “Hey, Oscar, that we have with you”, we said no.


As was so much responsibility, maybe I was not ready to be an entrepreneur and run my own company.


And when he was ready, hit the jump. Speaker is a cooperative of social integration where we are people with and without disabilities, and we are dedicated to improving the lives of all people. We conducted studies of accessibility cognitive. It is everything that has to do with the spaces, objects and the environment. How can I use the environment and move through it with no problems. We have been in some museums, for example, in the Thyssen.


You imagine going to an airport in a country in which you do not know the language, you will have spent some time, how is your experience if the signage is not good. Ok, since this is the accessibility of cognitive, that is, there are many people who face what we face on time during all the days of his life.


we Apply an innovative vision and show the world how we can adapt to any person. I think that is a right, isn’t it?, the whole world can access the information. Speaker up is now getting, I believe, day-to-day show that people are capable of. I think that there are two types of people… Those that are given a blow, fall down and remain on the ground and give themselves a blow and, despite the pain, stand up and continue to move forward.

This content has been developed by Yoigo.