A sonorous resignation in block of the heads of primary care service has shaken up this Monday the most sanitary area of Galicia. 22 doctors of the county of Vigo have announced that they will leave their positions by the deterioration of “unsustainable” that suffer from the health centers after years of cuts. The protest you tried to stop without success the own councillor for Health, Jesús Vázquez Almuiña, a physician and former mayor popular of Baiona, one of the municipalities of the area. “Here we come, we do not want to be complicit in this deterioration in”, put forward the dimisionarios in a manifesto in which it accused the Government of Alberto Núñez Feijóo has ignored their repeated complaints.


doctors desconvocan the strike after accepting the offer of the Government to inject 100 million in the primary The largest hospital concluded gallego wins another pulse to the Xunta Spain, the country of pediatricians exhausted

The optional censor, among other things, the “overload” of work of the staff, the obstacles that the health administration puts patients to access a test or a specialist and the lack of material behind the outpatient. These 22 resignations in the primary care of Vigo, which shall be executed Tuesday in the record of the Department Galego de Saúde (Sergas), have the support of the College of Doctors of Pontevedra, and account for more than 80% of the heads of service of this health area. Luis Campos, president of the entity, has attributed the rebellion to “cuts indiscriminate” practiced by the Government with the sanction of a decree approved by the Government of Mariano Rajoy in 2012 and the “lack of political will” to resolve the situation caused. “These waters come from these sludge”, has summarized Fields.

The protest galician comes after the family doctors of Catalonia, which stopped his strike at the end of November, after accepting the offer of the Government to inject immediate € 100 million in primary care. The optional catalans, who also reject the overload of work”, held a four-day strikes with a follow up of above 60%. They protested against the limitation of the time to visit and consultations daily. The doctors refused to limit by decree the number of visits at 28 day. The agreement with the Generalitat guarantees the incorporation of 250 doctors to reduce the overloads to care.

“The chiefs of service, we have been organizing the shortcomings of the public health, but you can not organize the misery”, complains Luciano Garnelo, head of service of the health center Pintor Colmeiro of Vigo and one of the doctors who has tendered his resignation. “Instead of being the door of the system we want to convert in the gatekeepers of the system”. In a ceremony held at the headquarters of the medical college of Pontevedra, Garner has shown hundreds of signatures in support of colleagues working in outpatient settings, reports Europa Press . “This is not a tantrum of four people, it is a protest of all primary care”, has defended Pillar Covas, head of service of the health centre of Val Miñor.

In its manifesto, the professionals mobilized to denounce the “exhaustion” and “lack of motivation” that suffer from the marathon days that we have to face and that lead some to bring forward their retirement. And ensure that, in addition to working with obsolete equipment while it equips the hospitals with “expensive technology and sophisticated”, are witnesses every day of the difficulties which are put on the sick for access to hospital care, with waiting lists as “unacceptable” and “perverse use of new technologies”.

Sergas has called for “dialogue”, heads doctors before they register formally his resignation and has alleged that the shortage of doctors prevents you from making more hires. The dimisionarios replicated that that there are professionals who want to work just as precarious as it is offered. Garner has stated that the residents of family medicine to “escape” at the end of your training “abroad, private healthcare or other areas of Spain where they are treated best”.