the police and the Thurgau veterinary office have cleared on Thursday a private animal husbandry in Müllheim. Dogs and cats were kept in a private household under precarious conditions.
In a private household had been encountered in the case of an official animal welfare control is greatly neglected, and neglected animals in precarious hygienic husbandry conditions, informed the Thurgau veterinary office.
a Total of 18 cats, two dogs, four rabbits, seven chickens and four gerbils were seized as a precaution. In addition to the live animals the veterinary office found 21 dead cats in a freezer, along with food. Three plastic bags Packed with dead cats were in a garden shed.
Against the animal owner has already been imposed in the past, a part of the livestock ban. Now an administrative procedure for violation of the animal-protecting legislation. A woman threatens a total animal holding prohibition.
“misunderstood animal welfare”
According to research, 20 minutes is a animal-Keeper, in the operation together with her sister, an Online pet portal. The woman is Thurgauer animal rights activists for years a thorn in the eye. “You brought adoptable cats from abroad and had to convey this in Switzerland,” says Beatrice Baumann, a member of the animal help of Switzerland.
back in 2009, animal rights activists had become active after the livestock had been in the woman’s out of control. The authorities imposed a ban in the consequence of an Animal, as on the Canton of Paul the vet confirmed Funny compared to 20 minutes. “The woman was allowed to keep in the result of twelve cats, this to the death but not to replace it, so that at the end of the five animals had to be left over”, so Funny. Apparently, you are not stuck to the guidelines. Funny: “Unfortunately, one repeatedly encounters such conditions.” The cantonal veterinarian speaks of “wrong-headed animal protection”. Witty: “In a family house, it is simply impossible to keep that many cats in hygienic conditions.” (sda/Material of
Created: 28.03.2019, 17:41 PM