“The brothers hard Rock in battle with the company behind the ”mummy’s boys””
“Attack ”Mother’s boys” for having stolen the trademark ”the Brothers hard rock””
“the Movie about two hårdrocksälskande brothers is a big blockbuster movie.”
“Now is the production company behind the ”mummy’s boys” in a bitter dispute with the real Brothers of Metal.”
“– They have not wanted to talk with us, ” says director Ulf Malmros to Nöjesbladet.”
“Ulf Malmros hårdrockskomedi ”Mother’s boys” has attracted large audiences to the cinemas.”
“But behind the success lies a bitter brand dispute on the basis of a title that never reached reklamaffischerna.”
“When the director Ulf Malmros’ first would baptize his new film he chose ”the Brothers hard rock”. He was inspired in part by a SVT-documentary from 1998 with the same name, which was about the hårdrocksälskande the twins Erik and Per Gustafsson from Dals Långed.”
” I have thought of that sort of commitment for a long time. And have had the SVT-clip in the back of the head, Malmros said to Nöjesbladet.”
“When the twins from Dals Långed, who now plays in the band Nifelheim, was told that the movie would be called ”Brothers of metal” roared the away from direct. Then chose Malmros to change the name to ”mummy’s boys”.”
“– I understand that they haven’t been so excited for this, ” says Ulf Malmros.”
“But then had the production company Bob Film, which is located behind the film, already applied to the branding name of ”Brothers of rock”. Now, the company is, and the twins Erik and Per Gustafsson involved in a namntvist has been going on since april of last year.”
“In a besvärsyttrande to the Swedish Patent and registration office (PRV) mean Per Gustafsson that he and tvillingbrodern are all established as ”the Brothers hard rock” and that the PRV should terminate Bob Films registration.”
“– It is very strongly fortified in the vernacular and we are mentioned as ”Brothers of Metal” in the tv program that Dobidoo. We have come to be Brothers hard Rock with the whole Swedish people, write Per Gustafsson.”
“the Film company has since changed the name of the movie to the current title of ”mummy’s boys”. They should in vain have sought a dialogue with the brethren.”
“– They have not wanted to talk with us, ” says Ulf Malmros.”
“Nöjesbladet has been in contact with Erik and Per Gustafsson, who do not want to speak out in the media.”
“Bob, the Film insists that the registration shall consist, in an opinion to the PRV. Jan Blomgren, the company’s owner and the film’s producer, declines comment.”
“■ In Ulf Malmros movie playing Björn Starrin, Johan Östling twins in a reading by. They play the electric guitar and the drums, and calling themselves Thor and Odin, but worship is also a fictitious canadian band called Ludor.”
“■ Since its premiere on christmas day has 232 888 seen hårdrockskomedin which gives it the second place on the Swedish cinema top lists.”